Incomplete data sets with different data types are difficult to handle, but regularly to be found in practical clustering tasks. Therefore in this paper, two procedures for clustering mixed-type data with missing values are derived and analyzed in a simulation study with respect to the factors of partition, prototypes, imputed values, and cluster assignment. Both approaches are based on the k-prototypes algorithm (an extension of k-means), which is one of the most common clustering methods for mixed-type data (i.e., numerical and categorical variables). For k-means clustering of incomplete data, the k-POD algorithm recently has been proposed, which imputes the missings with values of the associated cluster center. We derive an adaptation of the latter and additionally present a cluster aggregation strategy after multiple imputation. It turns out that even a simplified and time-saving variant of the presented method can compete with multiple imputation and subsequent pooling.
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1 Introduction
Cluster analysis is a technique for discovering structural similarity in data, with the particular goal of identifying unknown groups in the data (Hennig et al., 2015). One of the most popular and widely used cluster techniques is the k-means algorithm, which has experienced further developments in the past (for more information, see, e.g., Jain, 2010). Since it has become the standard in practice to cluster mixed-type data, various approaches were presented in the past (Ahmad & Khan, 2019) and numerous articles have been published on applications in a variety of disciplines (see, for example, van ’t Veer et al., 2002; Hennig & Liao, 2013; Yin et al., 2021). For this data, consisting of numerical and categorical variables, one of the most popular approaches for clustering based on k-means is the k-prototypes algorithm proposed by Huang (1998).
In practice it is quite common to work with incomplete data. However, handling these missing values is usually not trivial. The simplest and most straightforward way to deal with missing values regardless of the examination method is complete case analysis, i.e., to delete all incomplete observations (Little & Rubin, 2019). The following aspects are to be considered: The partly known information of the incomplete observations is not included in the analysis result and the results might be biased. Furthermore, in the cluster analysis no cluster assignment can be provided to the deleted observations. In 2004, Wagstaff investigated whether cluster analysis can be performed for all observations without imputation. However, the majority of approaches for dealing with missing values in cluster analysis is based on (multiple) imputation and cluster aggregation (Basagaña et al., 2013; Audigier & Niang, 2020). In addition to the imputation of the values (Imbert & Vialaneix, 2018; Little & Rubin, 2019), the aggregation method of the partitions is of particular importance and different approaches were examined, for example, in Gionis et al. (2005).
While dealing with missing data is standard practice when applying the k-means algorithm to purely numeric data, handling incomplete mixed-type data is often challenging. Some approaches on imputing missing values in the application of k-prototypes have been developed, but are not satisfying with respect to imputation and/or taking the mixed-type structure into account (e.g., imputation in Dinh et al., 2021, is sequentially performed based only on the similarity of the categorical values). Recently, for standard k-means clustering of incomplete numerical data, the k-POD algorithm has been proposed by Chi et al. (2016). During the clustering task, the missing entries are estimated from the corresponding entries of the relevant cluster centroid. The adaptation of this procedure to cluster analysis of mixed-type data is derived in this paper. Additionally, a cluster aggregation strategy after multiple imputation based on Gionis et al. (2005) is adapted for mixed-type data. These different approaches are analyzed comparatively in a simulation study.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: First, the theory of handling missing values and the adaptation of the k-POD idea is explained (Section 2) as well as the usage of multiple imputation of chained equations and pooling of the cluster results for imputation (Section 3). In Section 4, a simulation study on synthetic data is conducted and shows the potential of the examined methods with respect to the criteria of partition quality, the specified prototypes, the imputed values, and also the cluster assignment. All aspects will be evaluated in comparison to the original complete data, made possible by artificially added missing values in the data.
2 Applying k-Prototypes Algorithm to Achieve Partition and Imputation of Missing Values
In the following, the adaptation of k-POD for numerical data (Chi et al., 2016) to k-prototypes for mixed-type data is outlined. Before going into more detail about the method for mixed-type data, basic notations for representing the data and the k-prototypes algorithm are presented. Subsequently in Section 2.2, the minimization problem of the cluster algorithm for mixed-type data and its solution are shown in Theorem 1. Finally, variations of imputation using the k-prototypes algorithm are differentiated in Section 2.3.
2.1 Notation
Let \(X \in \mathbb {M}^{n \times m}\) denote a matrix of n observations of m variables of mixed type, with
where ∧ denotes a logical and, so there is \(x_{i1}, \dots , x_{il}\) numerical data and \(x_{i(l+1)}, \dots , x_{im}\) categorical data without loss of generality (w.l.o.g.), where Aj describes a domain of values of variable j.
After applying the k-prototypes cluster algorithm to the data, the k cluster prototypes will be denoted by \(C \in \mathbb {M}^{k \times m}\), where \(c_{q} \in \mathbb {M}^{1 \times m}\) with \(q \in \{1,\dots ,k\}\) denotes the prototype of cluster q. In the k-prototypes algorithm, the distances between mixed-type objects result from the sum of the Euclidean distance for the numerical features and the so-called Simple Matching indicator function
with \(X_{a}, X_{b} \in \mathbb {M}^{1 \times m}\) and weighting factor \(\lambda > 0\) (for more details, see Huang, 1998). The k-prototypes algorithm minimizes the sum of the distances between the clustered objects and their respective cluster prototypes
where wiq is an element of the partition matrix \(W \in H\). For example, wi3 = 1 denotes that object i is assigned to cluster 3, and therefore \(w_{iq} = 0\forall q \neq 3\) due to the fact that object i can only be assigned to exactly one cluster (since this is not fuzzy clustering, obviously). The partition matrix W is element of the set H, which is defined as
In the paper at hand, the notation for the representation of observed and missing data is based on a set \({{\varOmega }} \subseteq \{1,\dots ,n\} \times \{1,\dots ,m\}\). The indices of the observed data are stored in Ω and the projection PΩ(Xi) contains only the known data without the unobserved values:
Assuming that the value xij is not known, then \((i,j) \notin \Omega\) holds. Depending on the nature of the variable j, it implies \([P_{\Omega}(X_{i})]_{j} = 0\) (variable j is numeric and therefore w.l.o.g. \(j \in \{1, \dots , l\}\)) or \([P_{\Omega}(X_{i})]_{j} = ''{NA}''\) (variable j is categorical and therefore w.l.o.g. \(j \in \{l+1, \dots , m\}\)) for the missing value. On the other hand, projection \(P_{{{\varOmega }}^{C}}(X_{i})\) (with ΩC the complementary set of Ω) can be used to denote the true but unknown values of the missing data of observation i.
2.2 Minimization Problem of Cluster Algorithm with Missing Values
As shown previously in (2), the k-prototypes algorithm minimizes the distances between the fully observed data and the prototypes of the partition. This paper investigates the approach in the case of incomplete data. Then the clustering problem is modified to the minimization of the distances between the observed data values and the associated prototypes, denoted as \(d_{\text{MT}}(P_{\Omega}(X_{1}),P_{\Omega}(K_{i}(C,W)))\). This leads to the minimization problem of the function
for the partition, defined by cluster prototypes C and partition matrix W.
The remainder of the section aims to derive the minimization of distances between mixed-type data with missing values and prototypes of associated clusters. The proof of the solution of this minimization problem of clustering with missing values applies the majorization-minimization algorithm (MM algorithm; Lange, 2013). Briefly summarized, it says that if a function f(u) is to be minimized, a function g(u|u(t)) with the following properties must be identified:
Finally, it can be concluded for \(t \to \infty\): \(\min \limits _{u} f(u) = f(u^{(t+1)})\).
In the following, the solution to minimize the distances between incomplete mixed-type data and cluster prototypes during the clustering task is presented.
Theorem 1
The minimum of the distances between incomplete data and prototypes of a clustering grouping this mixed-type data with missing values
and \(\tilde {X} := \big [ [P_{{{\varOmega }}}(X_{i})]_{j} \ \forall (i,j)\in {{\varOmega }} \wedge [P_{{{\varOmega }}^{C}}(K_{i}(C^{(t)},W^{(t)}))]_{j} \ \forall (i,j) \notin {{\varOmega }} \big ]\), so that \(\tilde {X}\) denotes the data, where the missing values are imputed by the respective prototype values.
The solution (C(t+ 1),W(t+ 1)) is obtained by the k-prototypes algorithm applied to \(\tilde {X}\).
The function \(f(C,W) = {\sum }_{i=1}^{n} d_{ {\mathrm{MT}}}\big (P_{{{\varOmega }}}(X_{i}), P_{{{\varOmega }}}(K_{i}(C,W))\big )\) is to be minimized. The majorization function g for the application of the MM algorithm is
and both conditions (3) and (4) of the MM algorithm are fulfilled:
Since \({\sum }_{i=1}^{n} d_{ {\mathrm{MT}}}\left (P_{{{\varOmega }}^{C}}(K_{i}(C,W)), P_{{{\varOmega }}^{C}}(K_{i}(C^{(t)},W^{(t)}))\right )\) is the sum of distances for all (C,W), where each summand is greater than or equal to zero, (3) with \(f(C,W) \leq g(C,W|C^{(t)},W^{(t)})\) is given and g majorizes f.
where \(\tilde {X} := \big [ [P_{{{\varOmega }}}(X_{i})]_{j} \ \forall (i,j)\in {{\varOmega }} \wedge [P_{{{\varOmega }}^{C}}(K_{i}(C^{(t)},W^{(t)}))]_{j} \ \forall (i,j) \notin {{\varOmega }} \big ]\). The mathematical transformation for (6) is presented separately in the Appendix, for numerical values see Appendix A.1 and for categorical values see Appendix A.2.
The function g(C,W|C(t),W(t)) will be minimized with an application of the k-prototypes algorithm on the observed data filled with the prototype values \(\tilde {X}\). With the resulting partition and associated cluster prototypes, \(f(C,W) = {\sum }_{i=1}^{n} d_{ {\mathrm{MT}}}\big (P_{{{\varOmega }}}(X_{i}), P_{{{\varOmega }}}(K_{i}(C,W))\big )\) is minimized and therefore the solution of the clustering problem for incomplete mixed-type data is obtained. □
In the Theorem 1 proved above, it is shown that by applying the k-prototypes algorithm, the minimization problem of the distances between the incomplete data and the prototypes of the partition can be solved. The implementation of the imputation used for this purpose is presented in the following.
2.3 Variations of Imputation with k-Prototypes Clustering
In the subsequent simulation study, three different variations of handling the missing values based on the approach presented above are investigated. The distinctions of the imputations based on the values of the prototypes are pointed out in the following:
Internal all steps imputation
Within the k-prototypes algorithm, the missing values are imputed with the current prototype value after each assignment of new prototypes. This means that in each iteration, the closest prototype is determined for each observation (possibly with missing values) and the observation is assigned to this cluster. Then the prototypes are recalculated based on the observations in the respective cluster. The updated values of the prototypes are used to replace the missing values or the former imputations and with the new imputations the iteration starts over again. Finally, these iterations run until no further improvement of the partition can be observed or the number of iteration steps exceeds a predefined limit.
Repeated external imputation
As the name of the strategy implies, the imputation of the missing values by the values of the prototypes is performed after the entire application of the k-prototypes algorithm has terminated. Then, the cluster algorithm is run again with the imputed values and the (former) missing values of the data are updated with the new determined prototypes. This continues until there is no change in the imputed values or a predefined limit of iteration steps is reached.
Fast one step imputation
The last variation examined is a fast alternative to variant ii). The k-prototypes algorithm is applied only once, ignoring the missing values when determining the distances. Afterwards, the missing values are imputed with the corresponding values of the prototypes. The comparison in the simulation study between this variant and variant ii) will show whether the clearly higher computational costs of the latter one are justified by a distinctly better outcome.
The results of the analysis conducted in the simulation study with respect to different aspects are presented in Section 4.
3 Multiple Imputation and Pooling of k-Prototypes Cluster Results
Currently, one of the most popular approaches to handle missing values is multiple imputation. Another strategy for handling missing values using multiple imputation is therefore proposed in order to compare the quality of the adapted k-POD algorithm with common existing methods. Particular attention is paid to the way of cluster aggregation after the application of multiple imputation and cluster analysis in Section 3.2. First, a brief overview of multiple imputation for mixed-type data is provided.
3.1 Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations
The basic idea of multiple imputation is that the uncertainty resulting from the lack of knowledge of the missing values is expressed by multiple imputed values. With this strategy, nimp data sets will be obtained with the same known values and (usually different) imputed values for the missing values. Thereby, a univariate imputation model is specified for each incomplete variable (in the following denoted by Y), which leads to the name multiple imputation by chained equations. The imputation result is based on the other variables, named \(X = \{[X_{j}]_{j = 1,\dots ,r}\}\). The specification is based on the scale of the variable with missing values.
The most common and straightforward imputation method for numerical data is the so-called predictive mean matching (Little, 1988). For each of the nimp data sets this algorithm repeats the following steps:
Estimate a regression model for Y based only on the observed values PΩ(X).
Randomly draw from the posterior predictive distribution of the estimated regression parameter vector \(\hat {\beta }\) and produce a new set of coefficients β⋆.
Calculate predicted values for observed and missing Y. Thereby \(\hat {\beta }\) is used to predict the known values [PΩ(Y )]i and β⋆ is used to predict the missing ones \([P_{{{\varOmega }}^{C}}(Y)]_{i}\).
For each prediction for a missing value \([P_{{{\varOmega }}^{C}}(Y)]_{i}\) find a small set (typically 3, 5 or 10, see van Buuren, 2018) of the closest predicted values (based on \(\hat {\beta }\)) for the observed values.
Randomly decide on one of the elements in the set and impute it with its corresponding observed value.
This ensures that only values observed in the domain of the variable are imputed. As summarized in van Buuren & Groothuis-Oudshoorn (2011): “Its main virtues are that imputations are restricted to the observed values and that it can preserve non-linear relations even if the structural part of the imputation model is wrong. It is a good overall imputation method.”
For binary categorical data, a popular imputation method is based on logistic regression, which was pointed out by Rubin (1987), consisting of the following steps:
First, estimate for the observed values a logistic regression model for PΩ(Y ) and obtain estimated \(\hat {\beta }\) and the corresponding covariance matrix V by iteratively reweighted least squares (van Buuren, 2018).
Draw a new parameter set \(\beta ^{\star } \sim N(\hat {\beta }, V)\).
For each missing value \([P_{{{\varOmega }}^{C}}(Y)]_{i}\) predict \(logit^{-1}(X_{i}\beta^{\star})\) and randomly draw a number \(u_{i} \sim U(0,1)\).
If \(u_{i} > logit^{-1} (X_{i}\beta^{*})\) then impute \([P_{{{\varOmega }}^{C}}(Y)]_{i} = 0\), otherwise \([P_{{{\varOmega }}^{C}}(Y)]_{i} = 1\).
These steps are performed repeatedly nimp times to obtain the nimp data sets of multiple imputation.
After multiple imputation, these different nimp data sets can be clustered by applying the k-prototypes algorithm. Finally these nimp not necessarily equal partitions have to be aggregated to determine one partition for the data set with missing values.
3.2 Pooling of Partitions
The aim is the aggregation of the nimp partitions to obtain exactly one partition for the data set with missing values. Since every imputed mixed-type data set is clustered by the k-prototypes algorithm, every object in the data set has nimp (possibly different) cluster assignments \(S_{i} = (s_{i1}, \dots , s_{in_{ {\text{imp}}}})\), where \(s_{il} \in \{ 1,\dots ,k \}\) and \(i \in \{1,\dots ,n\}\). Additionally, it is conceivable that the clusters in the different imputed data sets can be labeled differently. Pooling the cluster results of the multiple imputed data sets finds a clustering that matches as much as possible with the nimp given partitions.
Similar to bagged clustering (Leisch, 1999), Gionis et al. (2005) have shown several approaches of which the agglomerative algorithm is adapted in the following. As a standard bottom-up algorithm, every object Si is placed into a singleton cluster Gi at first. By adapting the hierarchical clustering method with average linkage (Contreras & Murtagh, 2015), the pair of clusters \((G_{i}, G_{j})\) with the smallest average distance dAL between the associated objects is linked together, where
In summary, it can be stated that (singleton) clusters are merged together if the average distance between objects of the nimp partitions are sufficiently similar. That is, clusters are merged if the average distance of the closest pair of clusters is less than 0.5. Otherwise (e.g., there is no pair of clusters with average distance smaller than 0.5) the linkage of clusters cannot improve the partition and the algorithm stops.
Since estimating the number of clusters k is beyond the scope of our simulation study, the cluster partitioning for the data set with the missing values is obtained by cutting the resulting tree into the desired group size (i.e., the desired number of clusters in the presented use case). For additional information on the selection of a suitable number of clusters for mixed-type data see Aschenbruck & Szepannek (2020).
4 Simulation Study
To evaluate the previously presented approaches for clustering mixed-type data with missing values and imputation, a simulation study is conducted. Similar to Jimeno et al. (2021), several data settings, hereinafter referred to as scenarios, were investigated. In order to compare the various approaches to cluster mixed-type data with missing values, the considered simulation settings are outlined in the following.
4.1 Data Simulation
Simulating different data scenarios, the five features number of clusters, clusters of equal size, number of variables, ratio of factor variables to numerical variables, and overlap between cluster groups are varied in parameter values. In Table 1, these features and their corresponding parameter values for the simulation are listed. Additionally, the color coding for Fig. 1 and the short identification name used among others in Figs. 1 and 3 is presented in the table. Since a full factorial design is used, there are 3 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 = 108 different scenarios in the conducted simulation study. The selection of the considered features follows the characteristics of the simulation study of Dangl & Leisch (2020) and is extended with respect to the ratio of the variable types (Jimeno et al., 2021).
Table 1
Features and associated feature specifications used to generate the data for the simulation study as well as the color coding (light gray, gray and brown) of the individual feature settings for the figures
Feature specification
Short notation
Color coding
Number of clusters
Clusters of equal size
Number of variables
Ratio of factor to numerical variables
Overlap between cluster groups
The clusters are defined by the structure of the feature settings. Each variable can be either active or inactive. For the numerical variables, active means drawing values from the normal distribution \(X_{1} \sim N(\mu _{1},1)\), where μ1 is a randomly determined value, and inactive means drawing from \(X_{0} \sim N(\mu _{0}, 1)\) with \(\mu _{0} = 2 q_{1 - \frac {v}{2}} - \mu _{1}\), where qα is the α-quantile of N(μ1,1) and \(v \in \{0.05, 0.1\}\). This results in an overlap of v for each of the two normal distributions. If there is an overlap of v = 0, the inactive variable is drawn from N(μ1 − 10,1). On the other hand, every factor variable has two levels l0 and l1. The probability for drawing l0 for an active variable in a cluster is \(v \in \{0,0.05,0.1\}\) and 1 − v for level l1. For an inactive variable, the probability for l0 is (1 − v) and v for l1.
4.2 Generating Different Types of Missing Values
According to Little & Rubin (2019), there are generally three different mechanisms that underly missing data and whose impact is analyzed in our simulation study. First, there are missing values that are neither conditioned on the value of the missing variable, nor on the other observed variables in the data set. These missing values are called missing completely at random (MCAR). In contrast, the so-called missing at random (MAR) mechanism means, that the missings depend only on the observed variables. If the mechanism causing missing data is neither MCAR nor MAR, it is called MNAR (missing not at random), i.e., the occurrence of a missing value depends also on the underlying value itself (Carpenter & Kenward, 2012).
The features settings used in the simulation study to generate missing values are given in Table 2. In addition to the feature type of missing values, the parameter perc_miss gives the percentage of observations with at least one missing value. In summary, when generating the missing values, each observation is first assigned to a possible pattern of missing values, that indicates which variable(s) should contain (a) missing value(s). For each scenario and based on the number of variables, up to \(\texttt{nV}^{2}\!\!/3\) different patterns are generated randomly. Afterwards, the specified proportion of incomplete data perc_miss is generated for each data block per pattern. For the missing mechanism MCAR, the observations which will not remain complete, are determined randomly. On the other hand, for the missing mechanisms MAR and MNAR the probability for amputing values depends on the observed values: For MAR, the variables which remain complete determine the missingness probability, and for the MNAR mechanism, the values of the variable to be amputed affects the chance to be deleted (van Buuren, 2018). With these two additional study parameters the full factorial experimental design increases to 108 × 3 × 4 = 1296 scenarios.
Table 2
Features and associated feature specifications used to generate the missing values for the simulation study as well as the color coding (light gray, gray, brown and dark gray) of the individual feature settings for the figures
Feature specification
Short notation
Color coding
Type of missing values
Incomplete data (%)
4.3 Evaluation Aspects
Before the evaluation aspects are explained in more detail, a note on the procedure in general is given: Since the simulation study is performed on artificially generated data sets with n observations, where also the missing values are simulated, the real values of the missing values are known. In the following, the complete data (before the generation of the missing values) will be referred to as original data. Following this notation, first the original data is clustered using the k-prototypes algorithm. In this way, the so-called original prototypes and original cluster assignments are obtained and defined as reference values.
To evaluate the efficiency and the goodness of the different strategies for imputing and clustering mixed-type data with missing values, four different criteria on different aspects are considered.
within-cluster distances of the partition
This evaluation aspect analyzes the aim of the k-prototypes algorithm to minimize the within-cluster distances. To accomplish the latter, the sum of the distances between the n observations of the original data set and the associated prototype based on the cluster analysis of the incomplete data is examined and thus the goodness of the partition can be evaluated.
determined prototypes
This aspect evaluates the quality of the determined prototypes. For this purpose, the distance between the prototypes based on clustering the incomplete data and the original prototypes is determined. Since these clusters are not necessarily labeled identically, the minimum distance of all permutations of the distances is considered in each case.
imputed values for missings
To determine the quality of the imputed values, the distance between the original data and the data with imputed values is evaluated.
cluster assignments of the clustered objects
Finally, the adjusted Rand Index (Hubert & Arabie, 1985) is determined to the original cluster assignments of the original data and the resulting partition based on the analysis of the incomplete data with missing values.
The distance determination for all evaluation aspects is realized with the distance measure shown in (1) in Section 2.1.
4.4 Execution of the Simulation Study
The simulation study is conducted using the open source software R (R Core Team, 2020). The underlying R code is available at GitHub1. For each of the 1296 predefined scenarios, an original data set is generated and clustered with the k-prototypes algorithm using the validation_kproto function (Aschenbruck & Szepannek, 2020) of the R package clustMixType (Szepannek, 2018; Szepannek & Aschenbruck, 2021). The resulting so-called original cluster prototypes and cluster assignments are used in the following for benchmarking as described in Section 4.3. Afterwards the missing values are generated as described in Section 4.2 with the function ampute of the R package mice (van Buuren & Groothuis-Oudshoorn, 2021).
For conducting cluster analysis and imputation on the incomplete data, the following four presented methods are compared. The first three named variants are based on the approach derived in Section 2 and differences between those are presented in more detail in Section 2.3. The last approach is based on Section 3.
kproto(…, na.rm = "imp.internal")
The function kproto from the R package clustMixType is executed, and within the algorithm the missing values are imputed with the current prototypes after each assignment of new prototypes.
In this variation, the function kproto is executed as well, but the missing values are ignored during the execution of the cluster algorithm. After a partition is found, the (former) missing values are imputed with the values of the corresponding prototypes. Afterwards, the kproto function is executed again on the imputed data set, as long as the imputed values are changing (the maximum number of iterations with an imputation after each execution is 100).
kproto(…, na.rm = "imp.onestep")
Again, the function kproto is applied ignoring the missing values during the execution of the cluster algorithm, but here it is applied only once (meaning the just presented strategy ii) is stopped after the first step). So finally, after determining the partition, the missing values are imputed with the values of the corresponding cluster prototypes.
In this approach, multiple imputation is used to create nimp = 5 data sets by executing R function mice of R package mice (van Buuren & Groothuis-Oudshoorn, 2021). Hereof, internally the functions mice.impute.pmm (set size of 5 closest as recommended by van Buuren 2018) and mice.impute.logreg (van Buuren & Groothuis-Oudshoorn, 2011; White et al., 2010) are used for imputation depending on the variable type. The resulting nimp data sets are clustered by using the kproto function. Afterwards, the results are pooled as described in Section 3.2 using the R function hclust. Finally, the missing values are imputed with the values of the prototypes of the pooled partition.
In order to reduce the influence of the randomness by generating the artificial data, \(N = 50\) repetitions are performed for each scenario. Additionally, it is well known that both algorithms, k-prototypes and k-means, are based on the random selection of initial cluster centers or prototypes, respectively. For the k-means algorithm, the optimization of the initialization has already been in the focus of some research publications (see, e.g., Peña et al., 1999; Fränti & Sieranoja, 2019). The transfer of these (or similar) strategies to the k-prototypes algorithm for mixed-type data is not the scope of this article, but nevertheless, it is an interesting field for future research. Therefore, the influence of the randomly generated initial prototypes in the conducted simulation study is minimized using the built-in repetition of the R function kproto by setting the parameter nstart=3.
The evaluation criteria presented in Section 4.3 are implemented as functions named eval_within_dist(origin, kpres) (evaluation of the within-cluster distances of the partition), eval_protos(protos, protos_origin, lambda, k_opt) (determined prototypes) and eval_iv(origin, x_iv, lambda) (imputed values for missings). For evaluation of cluster assignments of the clustered objects, the function adj.rand.index of R package fossil (Vavrek, 2011) is used. The implementation of the simulation study is shown in Pseudo-Code 1 to summarize the workflow.
Pseudo-Code 1
Simulation study.
4.5 Results of the Simulation Study
An overview of the values obtained in the simulation study is given in Fig. 1. The mean value was calculated for each evaluation aspect over the N = 50 iterations and for each examined imputation/clustering method and for each scenario. In the upper main plot the percentage deviation from the best observed mean value for each data set is shown for the four evaluation aspects within-cluster distances, cluster centers, imputed values and adjusted Rand index. Below, the parameters of the data set are illustrated with the colors light gray, gray, brown and dark gray: missing_type (MNAR, MAR, MCAR), perc_miss (0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4), overlap (0, 0.05, 0.1), fac_prop (0.25, 0.5, 0.75), symm (true, false), nC (2, 4, 8) and nV (4, 8) (cf. Sections 4.1 and 4.2 for details and in particular Tables 1 and 2 for color coding). Particularly strong fluctuations can be seen in the evaluation of the cluster prototypes. Even apart from some clear outliers, some mean values are more than 1000% larger than the best observed evaluation value. It is obvious that the methods handle the different scenarios differently well. The results indicate that the multiple imputation approach (mi.pool, pink) is worse at dealing with a larger number of variables (nV=8, level 2, dark gray). It also turns out that the imp.onestep (light blue) performs worse with a smaller number of missing values (perc_miss=0.05, level 1, light gray) than with more missing values. Therefore, it makes sense to also investigate the influence of the different data set parameters on the imputation and clustering quality. Because of the huge amount of data, it is hard to identify every difference between the four approaches in Fig. 1. In the following, the four methods are directly compared by ranks, first without considering the data set parameters (Fig. 2). The reason for considering the ranks is to avoid a biased comparison due to the variability between the different scenarios and iterations.
Fig. 1
The upper main plot shows the percentage deviation of the optimum value for the mean value of each scenario over the N = 50 iterations for all four evaluation criteria. The settings of the parameters of each scenario are displayed in the lower plot with the color coding presented in Table 1 (Section 4.1) and Table 2 (Section 4.2)
Fig. 2
Presentation of the percentage of ranks for the four different aspects of evaluation and the observed runtime based on every data/missing scenario and all N = 50 iterations of the simulation study
Therefore, for each evaluation aspect (within-cluster distances, prototypes, imputed values and cluster assignment) ranks between the four methods were computed and the percentages over all iterations and data sets were determined. The best method (as defined for the different aspects in Section 4.3) for handling missing values in a clustering task is rated with rank 1. The average rank is assigned if the values are equal. The figure is based on all results for the 50 iterations for all of the 1296 data/missing scenarios. Due to a better readability, only areas larger than 10% were labeled. It is easy to identify, that method imp.internal is the worst compared to the other three methods. It also can be stated that the results based on mi.pool are most often ranked best for all aspects studied apart from computation time. The methods imp.external and imp.onestep have similarly rated results regarding the four evaluation criteria. Remarkably, both methods have less often the worst results among the evaluated criteria within-cluster distances, cluster prototypes and imputed values, whereas the approach based on multiple imputation is more often the worst of all methods. Only in the evaluation of cluster assignments with the adjusted Rand index, the mi.pool method seems to have a slight advantage. In conclusion, that means, mi.pool is more unstable in the ranking of the observed results, which seems to make sense, as additional randomness is introduced by this imputation strategy. Considering the evaluation over the computation time, it can be stated that imp.onestep is by far the best. Given that very similarly rated results are obtained as with imp.external, imp.onestep should be preferred.
If computation time is not a limiting factor, it would be interesting to know which method should be preferred in which situation. For analyzing the effects of individual data scenarios on the goodness of the applied methods, logistic regression models were fitted (Agresti, 2007). The aim is to get an idea of the impact of the different data scenario parameters on the conductivity of the different methods. The target variable \(B_{i} \in \{ 0,1 \}\) denotes whether a method is the (not necessarily sole) best (1) or not (0), such that
where ai displays the data scenario parameters as binary dummy variables. The following reference categories are used for the analyzed variables: nV=4, nC=2, symm=FALSE, perc_miss=0.05, overlap=0, fac_prop=0.5, missing_type=MCAR. Figure 3 shows the exponentiated coefficients \(\exp (\beta )\) of the logistic regressions for each evaluation aspect in a separate plot and each method is displayed with an unique color. A value greater than 1 means an increase in the odds, which corresponds to an increasing probability that the examined method on a data set with this feature setting is better with respect to the reference category of this feature. A value of less than 1 indicates the opposite, namely that the method for this parameter value is worse than for the reference value. Since coefficients with values equal to 1 or with the value of 1 in the associated confidence interval represent no change to the reference category and are therefore negligible, these coefficients are shown transparent in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3
Presentation of the exponentiated logistic regression coefficients for parameters of the data set features for each evaluation aspect and each imputation/clustering method, where coefficients whose confidence intervals contain 1 are displayed in transparent
Roughly speaking, similar results for the coefficients can be seen for the four different evaluation criteria. Surprisingly, the different missing value mechanisms do not play a crucial role for the choice of a preferable strategy, no matter for which evaluation aspect. The proportion of categorical variables is also rather negligible in comparison to other data set parameters. For the other influencing variables namely number of variables, number of clusters, equal cluster sizes, proportion of missing values as well as overlap of clusters, however, an effect seems to be noticeable. When having a closer look at the evaluation of the within-cluster distances, it is remarkable that for a bigger overlap and more missing values the methods imp.internal (purple) and mi.pool (pink) perform worse than the reference category, whereas the results of the methods imp.external (darkblue) and imp.onestep (light blue) are not influenced by these variables or even slightly better than the reference category. Also the increasing number of missing values and overlapping decreases the rating for evaluation the imputed values and the cluster prototypes for the methods imp.onestep, imp.internal and imp.external. The strongest differences can be seen in the variables number of variables and symmetry. For the evaluation aspects within-cluster distance, imputed values and cluster prototypes, it can be seen that, e.g., a higher number of variables worsens the results for the methods imp.external and mi.pool and improves the results for the methods imp.internal and imp.onestep. The opposite is true for the evaluation by adjusted Rand index. The increase of the number of clusters leads to a worse result for each evaluation criteria for each examined method.
5 Application to a Real-world Problem
In order to provide an application of the adapted method, it is applied to the well-known mixed-type Titanic data set (Eaton & Haas, 1994), where the data is accessed from the OpenML platform (Vanschoren et al., 2013) by using the R package OpenML (Casalicchio et al., 2017). The data to be clustered contain information on 1309 titanic passengers in seven features, which are displayed in Table 3 together with the mean value (for numeric features) or the levels with frequencies (for the categorical ones). The presented feature country summarizes the variable home.dest, which contains information on Cities of the home destination of the passengers. The aim of the cluster analysis is to identify interesting structures, considering not only the 684 complete cases out of the total number of 1309 available observations. Derived from the findings of the simulation study, we apply the one step imputation, whereby the number of clusters to be determined is validated with the Silhouette Index vsil (this choice is based on the results in Aschenbruck & Szepannek, 2020).
Table 3
Descriptive overview on the Titanic data set
Data type
Missing values
fare (in £)
passenger class
The application of the internal validation index determines an index-optimal number of clusters of two (vsil = 0.627). The partition resulting from the application of the k-prototypes algorithm using one step imputation is shown in Fig. 4 and the respective prototypes in Table 4. The characteristics of the clusters are visualized by displaying one line per passenger, whereby theses lines are jittered horizontally for a better visualization of the categorical features. In Cluster 1, it can be seen that a large proportion of passengers are men from the UK. Although most passengers in Cluster 1 boarded the Titanic in Southampton, there are also some boardings in Cherbourg and Queenstown. Mostly rather low prices were paid for tickets, which is reflected in the occupancy of the lowest passenger class predominantly. Although a certain proportion survives the sinking of the Titanic, three quarters of the passengers from Cluster 1 die. In contrast, Cluster 2 represents almost exclusively passengers from the USA, and two-thirds of them are female. Comparatively higher prices were paid by passengers grouped in Cluster 2 and consequently an almost exclusive accommodation in the upper passenger class can be observed. The majority of passengers who are grouped in this cluster survived the sinking of the Titanic.
Fig. 4
Partition of two clusters resulting from the application of the k-prototypes algorithm with the usage of the one step imputation
Table 4
Prototypes of two clusters resulting from the application of the k-prototypes algorithm with the usage of the one step imputation
Fare (in £)
Passenger class
Cluster 1
Cluster 2
Since the application to the real-world data set is done to present the usage of the derived imputation strategy, the focus in the following is not on further interpretation of the identified structures, but on the imputation results. However, it must be noted that neither missing values are known and therefore the evaluation of imputations is non-trivial, nor some kind of a true partition is given for this kind of data. Therefore, we will consider the obtained imputations by their plausibility. Since almost exclusively, the missing values occur in the categorical variable country and the numerical variable age, a closer look at these variables follows. As Table 3 shows, 564 missing values occur in the categorical feature country, which means that for only 57% of the passengers the home country is known. For 534 passengers of the Titanic, the home country was imputed as the UK and for 30 persons as the USA. This is remarkable because the most often known home country is the USA and naive imputation strategies would therefore have used this specification in (at least) the majority of imputations. However, this is not plausible due to the location of the Titanic’s first stop on the maiden voyage in Southampton, UK. Furthermore, it should be kept in mind that ship voyages at that time were often used for the purpose of emigration (Jones, 1976), and in this context it is plausible that a large part of the passenger’s home country would not be imputed with the USA. The age is not known for 263 cases. Through the one step imputation, an age of 28.164 years was determined for 250 passengers and 36.558 years for the other 13 passengers. The naive imputation of the mean value of the variable age for all missing ages would have resulted in a value of about 30 years. Especially for the passengers with higher priced tickets, the imputation of a higher age seems plausible. These passengers might not have embarked on the Titanic for reasons of emigration, but to experience the luxury and the idealistic value of the voyage. Therefore, these passengers are presumably already wealthier and thus more likely to be older.
In summary, it can be seen that an application to real-world data is possible without any problems. The resulting values for imputation and also the cluster structure seem plausible, although one cannot determine the correctness as usual in case of missing data. Additionally, it should be emphasized that using the proposed method enables to process the data from all 1309 passengers and not only from the 684 complete cases. Beyond this gain of information for cluster determination, a cluster assignment for all given observations can be derived, i.e., for twice as many cases as without applying an appropriate imputation method.
6 Discussion and Conclusion
The aim of this study was to investigate the handling of missing values in the cluster analysis of mixed-type data. The focus was on the k-prototypes algorithm, an extension of the widely known k-means algorithm. For handling missing values while clustering numerical and categorical data, it has been demonstrated, that it is possible to extend the k-POD imputation strategy to mixed-type data and the k-prototypes algorithm. The following variants of this approach were examined: imputation over the values of the corresponding prototypes in each iteration step of the k-prototypes algorithm (internal imputation), repeated imputation only after execution of the k-prototypes algorithm (external imputation) and the associated fast variant with only one execution of the k-prototypes algorithm and subsequent imputation (one step imputation). Additionally, an approach based on multiple imputation and cluster aggregation with an agglomerative algorithm was presented (multiple imputation and pooling).
For the internal imputation it has been shown in the simulation study, that the imputation of the missing values within the k-prototypes algorithm is not preferable compared to the other examined strategies. Further, the approach of repeated external imputation showed almost the equally rated results as the remarkably faster one step imputation. This is observed for all four evaluation criteria concerning partition, prototypes, imputed values and cluster assignment, so there is no major benefit to use the time consuming external imputation. The approach based on multiple imputation and subsequent cluster aggregation more often achieves the best result, but in comparison to the external and one step imputation also more often the worst ones. Surprisingly, even in the case of evaluation of the imputed values, the method with multiple imputation and pooling yields more frequently poorly evaluated results than the two strategies based on the imputation with prototype values obtained by the k-prototypes algorithm. Furthermore, this multiple imputation approach is, similar to the external imputation, not nearly as time-efficient as the one step imputation. Especially in the case of a larger number of variables and a higher proportion of missing values, the one step imputation is to be preferred. Furthermore, it could be determined, that the underlying missing mechanisms only have very little impact in the choice of a preferable strategy. In summary, the one step imputation developed throughout this paper is a straightforward and time-saving imputation method that can be applied reliably and with satisfactory results in a variety of scenarios. At last, it was shown that this method leads to meaningful results even in an application to real-world data, and that the imputation strategy is not merely a theoretically useful procedure which is reflected by plausible imputed values.
It must be noted that the elaborated findings are restricted to the examined cluster structure. The approach of multiple imputation with subsequent cluster aggregation can be applied to any cluster structures and algorithms and is therefore much more versatile. In future work, it would be interesting to investigate how cluster stability differs among the different approaches (Hennig, 2007). An extension of the investigation to further real-world data is also desirable. However, it is important to focus on the problem of the non-trivial evaluation, which generally dominates the analysis of data with missing values.
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The authors declare no competing interests.
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This research does not contain any studies with human participations or animals performed by any of the authors.
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In the following, the abbreviated notation \(K_{i}(C^{(t)}, W^{(t)}) = K_{i}^{(t)}\) is used for clarity. For all numerical values \(i\in \{1,\dots ,n\},j\in \{1,\dots ,l\}\) is:
In the following, the abbreviated notation \(K_{i}(C^{(t)}, W^{(t)}) = K_{i}^{(t)}\) is used for clarity. For all categorical values \(i\in \{1,\dots ,n\},j\in \{l+1,\dots ,m\}\) is: