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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Individualization of Public Transport – Integration of Technical and Social Dimensions of Sustainable Mobility

Authors : Moritz Ostermann, Jonathan Behm, Thorsten Marten, Thomas Tröster, Johannes Weyer, Kay Cepera, Fabian Adelt

Published in: Towards the New Normal in Mobility

Publisher: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

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In order to follow the 1.5 degree path of the Paris Climate Agreement, drastic greenhouse gas reduction measures are needed in the transport sector. The potential of public transport and new mobility services to reduce transport-related greenhouse gas emissions cannot yet be fully exploited, especially in rural regions. This paper presents the concept of an innovative mobility system, called NeMo.bil, that intends to fill the gap between individual and public transport to create a demand-oriented and sustainable mobility offer. The concept is based on convoy formation of autonomously driving lightweight vehicles serving the first and last mile and a larger towing vehicle carrying enough power and energy to move the convoy over longer distances at higher speeds. This combination of two different vehicles, intelligently controlled by a digital ecosystem, aims to significantly increasing energy, resource and cost efficiency. Based on an analysis of previous approaches for innovative mobility solutions, the concept is derived from a technical and sociological perspective and its potential for reducing energy demand is calculated.

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Individualization of Public Transport – Integration of Technical and Social Dimensions of Sustainable Mobility
Moritz Ostermann
Jonathan Behm
Thorsten Marten
Thomas Tröster
Johannes Weyer
Kay Cepera
Fabian Adelt
Copyright Year

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