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08-05-2024 | Special Issue Paper

Industrial clusters and carbon emission reduction: evidence from China

Authors: Ye Liu, Yiyun Wu, Xiwei Zhu

Published in: The Annals of Regional Science | Issue 2/2024

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In the context of carbon peaking and neutrality goals, this paper examines the impact of industrial clusters on firms’ carbon emissions based on listed manufacturing firms in China from 2008 to 2020. To avoid the endogeneity issue, we constructed an industrial cluster database ten years earlier than the sample period. The results of the empirical analysis suggest that industrial clusters are conducive to decreasing carbon emissions. The stronger the industrial cluster, the lower the carbon intensity. Examining the channel reveals that industrial clusters have an emission reduction effect through digital transformation. The heterogeneity analysis demonstrates that the variations in industrial clusters, including pollutant emissions, energy intensity, and energy consumption structure, significantly affect a firm's carbon emission reduction performance. In addition, environmental policies and the internal and external green development impetus of firms also affect emission reduction behavior. Our findings provide the rationale for governments to promote green transformation and enhance digital competitiveness through industrial cluster development.

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For example, data from the Hubei Science and Technology Department show that the total revenue of national creative clusters reached 254.794 billion yuan, contributing 3.294 billion yuan to provincial tax revenue in 2021.
Local cluster support projects include the "415X" advanced cluster cultivation program in Zhejiang province, a characteristic industrial cluster cultivation program in Jiangsu province, etc.
According to China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT), the scale of China's digital economy accounted for 39.2 trillion yuan in 2020, and its growth rate reached 9.7%, which is the key driver for China's stable economic growth (Wang et al. 2022).
Brynjolfsson E, Wang J, Wan X (2023) Information technology, firm size, and industrial concentration, NBER working paper, No. 31065.
Report on Chinese regional and urban digital economy development. Retrieved from http://​www.​caict.​ac.​cn/​kxyj/​qwfb/​ztbg/​202101/​t20210104_​367593.​htm.​
The shared platforms include common technical service institutions, industrial sharing intelligent manufacturing factories, and warehousing logistics distribution systems.
According to the world-class advanced manufacturing clusters Whitebook (2022), the Yueqing Electric Industrial Cluster, the Xuzhou Mechanical Engineering Industrial Cluster, and the Ningbo Green Petrochemical Industrial Cluster are all typical examples of industrial clusters digitalization.
According to the China Wind Carbon Emissions Database, only 375 listed firms declared their total carbon emissions for the 2021 fiscal year, accounting for approximately 7% of the total listed firms.
The stock market value is calculated based on the closing price on December 31, 2021. In China, a stock market value of more than 50 billion is considered to represent a large firm. A value between 10 and 50 billion is indicative of a medium-sized company, whereas a value of less than 10 billion is representative of a small company.
Coal is the predominant source of energy consumption in China. Conventionally, the carbon emission coefficient is calculated based on coal burning in Chinese studies, such as Wang et al (2023). The carbon emission coefficient for 1 ton of coal completed combustion is 0.68 in this paper, and 1 ton of carbon is burned in oxygen to produce about 3.667 tons of carbon dioxide, so the calculation coefficient is 0.68 × 3.667 = 2.493.
According to the guidelines on accounting methods and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions published by the China Development and Reform Commission, the firm’s carbon emissions come from combustion and escape, production process, waste emissions, and land use conversion (such as forest to industrial land).
Compared to the listed firms, the China Annual Industry Survey contains more small and medium-sized firms, and the industrial cluster calculated from this database is more representative. However, due to variable availability, we use listed firm data to assess firms' carbon emissions.
To avoid the influence of extreme values, we excluded 0.5% of samples from the word frequency-related indicators, including digital, intelligent, and governance.
The relative variation of standard deviation is calculated as follows: (standard deviation of independent variable × estimated coefficient)/standard deviation of the dependent variable, i.e., 2.2% = (0.46 × 0.059/1.233) × 100%. The following values are obtained by the same method, and the standard errors of the variables are shown in Table 1.
The government implemented low-carbon pilot cities in batches in 2010, 2013, and 2017 during the sample period.
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Industrial clusters and carbon emission reduction: evidence from China
Ye Liu
Yiyun Wu
Xiwei Zhu
Publication date
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Published in
The Annals of Regional Science / Issue 2/2024
Print ISSN: 0570-1864
Electronic ISSN: 1432-0592