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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

33. Industry 4.0 Practices Applied in Pharma Sector Supply Chain

Authors : Jesús Morcillo-Bellido, Ramón Merino-Fuentes

Published in: Industry 4.0: The Power of Data

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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The term Industry 4.0 refers to a new industrial model concept based on the digitization and monitoring of the certain operational processes included in the business model. The objective of this study is to deepen the knowledge of real business application of Industry 4.0 tools in a sample of large worldwide companies within the pharma sector. From the analysis carried out, it can be inferred that companies in the pharma sector are already far away from applying different Industry 4.0 technologies as a way to increase process efficiency and traceability, especially “Internet of Things” and “additive manufacturing”.

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Industry 4.0 Practices Applied in Pharma Sector Supply Chain
Jesús Morcillo-Bellido
Ramón Merino-Fuentes
Copyright Year

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