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Influence of electron and oxygen anion emitters in the cht technological process on chrome diffusion

Author: N. A. Shaburova

Published in: Metallurgist | Issue 3/2024

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This paper presents experimental results of a study of the occurrence of electricity emission in the process of chemical-and-thermal treatment (CTT) and their theoretical justification. Oxide materials with semiconductor properties, along with metals, can form electric fields in technological mixtures that are used in processes related to the transfer of saturating elements to the hardened surface of a part made of steel X35CrNi2-3. The contribution of these fields to the transfer of saturating elements is comparable with that of a concentration field. A design and manufacturing technique for a measuring cell is proposed to determine the magnitude of the emission current arising in the process mixture. An equation is obtained that describes the general process of solid-phase saturation of parts with the participation of concentration and electric fields during CTT.

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Influence of electron and oxygen anion emitters in the cht technological process on chrome diffusion
N. A. Shaburova
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Metallurgist / Issue 3/2024
Print ISSN: 0026-0894
Electronic ISSN: 1573-8892

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