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2018 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Influence of User’s Criteria Preferences for Open Source ITIL Tools Evaluation by Simple MCDM

Authors : Lukas Kralik, Roman Jasek, Petr Zacek

Published in: Developments and Advances in Intelligent Systems and Applications

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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This paper responds to requirement to improve the orientation between offered SW, as ITIL tools. There are really a lot of offered tools and very often this fact may leads to the poor implementation of ITIL. Main objective of this paper is to provide an overview how users’ preferences change in a short time and primarily the comparison between expert evaluation and evaluation with utilization of simple multi-criterial decision making methods. Simultaneously, the research described in this paper will serve for further work on creating a methodology for evaluation of ITIL tools.

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Influence of User’s Criteria Preferences for Open Source ITIL Tools Evaluation by Simple MCDM
Lukas Kralik
Roman Jasek
Petr Zacek
Copyright Year

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