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2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

5. Influencers and the Building of Political Brands—The Case of India

Authors : Pranjali Sharma, Varsha Jain

Published in: Political Branding in Turbulent times

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Political parties and leaders are gradually moving towards branding primarily on social media using social media influencers. Taking the case of Narendra Modi and BJP’s success in India, the chapter aims to understand social media’s role in political brand building. The chapter focuses on different social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, where Modi and BJP’s team have a phenomenal social media reach. The chapter also follows a dyad approach and looks at two political branding aspects: political leader’s perspective and, second, voters and influencers. Finally, the chapter presents both the positive and negative effects of social media on political branding.

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Influencers and the Building of Political Brands—The Case of India
Pranjali Sharma
Varsha Jain
Copyright Year

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