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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

7. Innovating for the Future: Understanding Organizational Culture in Changing Cambodia

Author : Andrew Henck

Published in: The Palgrave Handbook of Workplace Innovation

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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This case study takes place in the Cambodia country office of an international NGO (nongovernmental organization). During a 3-month culture study in this Southeast Asian country, employees and senior leaders sought to better understand their current organizational culture in light of a forthcoming global strategic planning process. Through interviews, focus groups, participant observation, and the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI), the current and aspired culture is diagnosed and priority gaps are identified. The implications for workplace innovation are discussed and recommendations for practice are offered.

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Innovating for the Future: Understanding Organizational Culture in Changing Cambodia
Andrew Henck
Copyright Year
Springer International Publishing

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