2020 | Book
Innovative Product Design and Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
Select Proceedings of ICIPDIMS 2019
Editors: BBVL. Deepak, DRK Parhi, Pankaj C. Jena
Publisher: Springer Singapore
Book Series : Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
2020 | Book
Editors: BBVL. Deepak, DRK Parhi, Pankaj C. Jena
Publisher: Springer Singapore
Book Series : Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
This book gathers selected research articles from the International Conference on Innovative Product Design and Intelligent Manufacturing System (ICIPDIMS 2019), held at the National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India. The book discusses latest methods and advanced tools from different areas of design and manufacturing technology. The main topics covered include design methodologies, industry 4.0, smart manufacturing, and advances in robotics among others. The contents of this book are useful for academics as well as professionals working in industrial design, mechatronics, robotics, and automation.