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01-02-2023 | Technical Note

Installation Damage of a Geogrid Employed for Stabilization in a Mining Area

Authors: Daniel Olivio Tschöke, Delma de Mattos Vidal, Cassio Alberto Teoro do Carmo

Published in: International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering | Issue 1/2023

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Geogrids are widely present in mining areas, performing diverse functions in several situations where the geosynthetic is subjected to compaction efforts during installation. Installation damage is one of the factors that can reduce the geosynthetic characteristics and affect the available properties. Therefore, the results of analyses considering actual field conditions are necessary to evaluate the damage influence and to guide product selection, mainly because installation damage is one of the most complex degradation factors to simulate in the laboratory. The paper presents an analysis of installation damage degradation of a geogrid employed to perform a stabilization function on an unpaved access road designed for ore transportation by off-road trucks. A geogrid sample, placed between a 15 cm base layer and a geotextile acting as a separator, was submitted to compaction under actual field conditions. The control and damaged samples were evaluated in the laboratory by visual and microscopy analyses and mechanical tests. Visual analysis indicated the removal of the coating on both faces of the damaged sample, sliding of nodes (3%), and minor damage in the ribs. The microscopy analysis indicates a significant number of small particles between the filaments due to coating removal. Mechanical tests show reduction factors varying from 1.01 to 1.09 for the secant tensile stiffness modulus and equal to 1.13 for the Aperture Stability Modulus.

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Installation Damage of a Geogrid Employed for Stabilization in a Mining Area
Daniel Olivio Tschöke
Delma de Mattos Vidal
Cassio Alberto Teoro do Carmo
Publication date
Springer International Publishing
Published in
International Journal of Geosynthetics and Ground Engineering / Issue 1/2023
Print ISSN: 2199-9260
Electronic ISSN: 2199-9279