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2019 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Integrating Peridynamics with Material Point Method for Elastoplastic Material Modeling

Authors : Yao Lyu, Jinglu Zhang, Jian Chang, Shihui Guo, Jian Jun Zhang

Published in: Advances in Computer Graphics

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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We present a novel integral-based Material Point Method (MPM) using state based peridynamics structure for modeling elastoplastic material and fracture animation. Previous partial derivative based MPM studies face challenges of underlying instability issues of particle distribution and the complexity of modeling discontinuities. To alleviate these problems, we integrate the strain metric in the basic elastic constitutive model by using material point truss structure, which outweighs differential-based methods in both accuracy and stability. To model plasticity, we incorporate our constitutive model with deviatoric flow theory and a simple yield function. It is straightforward to handle the problem of cracking in our hybrid framework. Our method adopts two time integration ways to update crack interface and fracture inner parts, which overcome the unnecessary grid duplication. Our work can create a wide range of material phenomenon including elasticity, plasticity, and fracture. Our framework provides an attractive method for producing elastoplastic materials and fracture with visual realism and high stability.

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Integrating Peridynamics with Material Point Method for Elastoplastic Material Modeling
Yao Lyu
Jinglu Zhang
Jian Chang
Shihui Guo
Jian Jun Zhang
Copyright Year

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