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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Intelligence Augmentation for Educators, Training Professionals, and Learners

Authors : Nkaepe Olaniyi, Jessie Chuang

Published in: Adaptive Instructional Systems. Design and Evaluation

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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“Learning” is a means to an end; the end is to perform. Tools aid human performance. Before electronic computers became commercially available, the term “computer” meant “one who computes”: a person performing mathematical calculations. Humans no longer need to do parts of a task that computers or machines can do well. In many industries, intelligent machines with advanced hardware or software have been exploited to augment human performance. In comparison, education and training industries have yet to realize the potential of intelligence augmentation. In this paper, we review case studies of Intelligence Augmentation in industry and in educational institutions, considering common barriers to adoption in the latter. We also explore the possibilities of collaboration between humans and intelligent machines based on Industry 4.0 tools and techniques. Based on industry examples, we propose a model for building collaboration between humans and intelligent machines for improved performance in the development and delivery of teaching and learning.

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Intelligence Augmentation for Educators, Training Professionals, and Learners
Nkaepe Olaniyi
Jessie Chuang
Copyright Year