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11-01-2025 | Research

Intelligent Assessment Method of Communication Interference Speech Quality Based on End-to-end Network

Authors: Sen Wang, Jianying Tao, Zheng Dou, Jiangzhi Fu

Published in: Mobile Networks and Applications

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Speech quality can reflect the interference in the environment during speech communications. This paper focuses on evaluating speech quality in communication interference environments, and introduces an innovative end-to-end network-based intelligent evaluation method. Utilizing a transformer network structure, the method involves segmenting interference speech into time frames, extracting Mel and amplitude spectrograms, and constructing feature maps for deep feature extraction and quality assessment. Tested on a communication interference speech dataset, this end-to-end approach achieved a remarkable 93% accuracy in evaluating interference speech quality, outperforming CNN-based methods by 5.5%. This significantly enhances the precision of assessing interference speech quality.

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Intelligent Assessment Method of Communication Interference Speech Quality Based on End-to-end Network
Sen Wang
Jianying Tao
Zheng Dou
Jiangzhi Fu
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Mobile Networks and Applications
Print ISSN: 1383-469X
Electronic ISSN: 1572-8153