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2019 | Book

Intercultural User Interface Design


About this book

The path for developing an internationally usable product with a human-machine interface is described in this textbook, from theory to conception and from design to practical implementation. The most important concepts in the fields of philosophy, communication, culture and Ethnocomputing as the basis of intercultural user interface design are explained. The book presents directly usable and implementable knowledge that is relevant for the processes of internationalization and localization of software. Aspects of software ergonomics, software engineering and human-centered design are presented in an intercultural context; general and concrete recommendations and checklists for immediate use in product design are also provided. Each chapter includes the target message, its motivation and theoretical justification as well as the practical methods to achieve the intended benefit from the respective topic.

The book opens with an introduction illuminating the background necessary for taking culture into account in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) design. Definitions of concepts are followed by a historical overview of the importance of taking culture into account in HCI design. Subsequently, the structures, processes, methods, models, and approaches concerning the relationship between culture and HCI design are illustrated to cover the most important questions in practice.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction
After the motivation and benefits of this book for the development of intercultural user interfaces (IUID) are explained, what is meant by IUID and its goal and procedure are further explained. In addition, the target group and structure of this book are described.
Rüdiger Heimgärtner
Chapter 2. Thinking and Acting
Before this chapter can deal with the influence of culture on the thinking or ideology (philosophy) and the acting (management) of people in project, process, and quality management in the development of intercultural user interfaces, an insight into the fundamentals of cultural studies is necessary.
Rüdiger Heimgärtner
Chapter 3. Software Engineering
Before a short overview of the individual elements of a software to be localized is given, a delimitation of important terms takes place. The relevant concepts which must be known for the process of intercultural software engineering are explained. Subsequently, the context of the localization is presented using the iceberg model (cf. Fig. 2.1 in Chap. 2) and its effects on the phases of software development processes are discussed. Finally, the core components for software localization are presented.
Rüdiger Heimgärtner
Chapter 4. Usability Engineering
In order to achieve usability and positive user experience also in an intercultural context, cultural influences on usability and UX as well as cultural influences on usability engineering have to be investigated. In this chapter, the theoretical background regarding interculturally adapted human–machine interaction (HMI) is examined and cultural aspects are linked with models, roles, and principles of the human-centered design process (planning and design activities) and then transferred to intercultural usability engineering. Subsequently, the steps of the process of the intercultural usability engine are presented.
Rüdiger Heimgärtner
Chapter 5. User Interface Design
This chapter provides the framework for understanding the influence of culture on the development of user interfaces. After the presentation of the influence of culture on the HMI, HMI-relevant cultural dimensions for the development of intercultural user interfaces are presented. Finally, the most important approaches, concepts and methods for intercultural user interface design (IUID) are presented.
Rüdiger Heimgärtner
Chapter 6. IUID in Theory—Scientific Research
In this chapter, the state of research in the field of the development of intercultural user interfaces and the connection between culture and HMI is presented and some main research questions regarding the culture-centered HMI designs are categorized. A look at the connection between theory and practice, then, opens the way to an explanatory model for culture-dependent human–machine interaction relevant to IUID. Both theoretical knowledge and the results of empirical studies are used. Finally, the first possible model is presented from which recommendations for the development of intercultural user interfaces can be derived.
Rüdiger Heimgärtner
Chapter 7. IUID in Practice—Industrial Development
First, aspects of the procedural approach of IUID in practice are presented. Subsequently, the essential phases (requirements analysis and concept development, design elements and implementation, evaluation and test) of the process for the development of intercultural user interfaces (IUID) with regard to cultural differences to the established development process models (V-model and agile methods as well as U-CD and U-CD) are examined in more detail.
Rüdiger Heimgärtner
Chapter 8. Summary, Conclusion and Outlook
The need to develop intercultural user interfaces is more urgent than ever due to global competition. By using appropriate IUID methods, processes and tools, cultural differences in user interface design for other cultures can and must be considered. IUID research has developed rapidly in recent years, but this is also necessary in order to close research gaps and provide the developer of intercultural user interfaces with action-relevant but scientifically sound design recommendations. Explanation models for culture-dependent HMI design are the basis for this. In the following, relevant results and statements on the IUID are summarized and presented. Subsequently, the most important conclusions are drawn and relevant recommendations and calls for action are given. The chapter concludes with an outlook on the future development of intercultural user interfaces.
Rüdiger Heimgärtner
Chapter 9. Annex A: Norms and Standards
This annex lists the norms and standards relevant for the development of intercultural user interfaces (IUID) and provides comments. In addition to the UCD standard, further types of standards for HMI and usability are described with regard to terminology and their contextual applicability. Finally, the usability maturity level of organizations and models for determining the maturity level of processes is discussed.
Rüdiger Heimgärtner
Chapter 10. Appendix B: Checklists
By combining the checklists of this book in this appendix, the state of knowledge on the IUID topic can be reviewed, deepened, and applied in practice. In addition, further II18N/L10N checklists are available for the localization process, translation, SW localization, documentation, and usability testing in an intercultural context. In addition, further tips and information on information processing in Asia (CJKV checklist, Unicode) as well as on the translation of user interfaces are given. Design and evaluation criteria for intercultural user interfaces complete the chapter.
Rüdiger Heimgärtner
Chapter 11. Annex C: Further Information
This appendix contains further literature as well as valuable information and links on the subject of IUID (e.g., institutions, committees, conferences, tool manufacturers, IUID service providers).
Rüdiger Heimgärtner
Intercultural User Interface Design
Rüdiger Heimgärtner
Copyright Year
Electronic ISBN
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