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International Journal of Social Robotics

Issue 3/2015

Social Robots: Form, Content, Critique

Content (7 Articles)


Special Issue of IJSR on Social Robots: Form, Content, Critique

Michaela Pfadenhauer, Satomi Sugiyama, Charles M. Ess

Anthropomorphism: Opportunities and Challenges in Human–Robot Interaction

Jakub Złotowski, Diane Proudfoot, Kumar Yogeeswaran, Christoph Bartneck

A Neural Architecture for Performing Actual and Mentally Simulated Movements During Self-Intended and Observed Bimanual Arm Reaching Movements

Rodolphe J. Gentili, Hyuk Oh, Di-Wei Huang, Garrett E. Katz, Ross H. Miller, James A. Reggia

Robot Caregiver or Robot-Supported Caregiving?

Michaela Pfadenhauer, Christoph Dukat

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