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2018 | Book

Internationalization Strategies of German Universities


About this book

Ulrich Bremer examines the internationalization process of German public research universities, extracts multiple expected factors of impact from existing theory, tests them against data and thus delivers implications for research and practice. Strategy-based international partnerships, specialization and university size represent most relevant factors. The complex interplay of strategy and leadership are shown, a framework for their assessment is provided and conclusions in the fields of digitalization, uncontrolled migration and growing nationalism are drawn.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction
Globalization has been a buzzword for many years: a Google search delivers 44.4 million suggestions in 0.43 seconds, and a plethora of papers have been published on the topic. But do universities need to internationalize? Knowledge and its production – the business of universities – does not stop at borders, it has always transcended them. Criticism of internationalization comes from different perspectives: a number of authors have argued that universities have always been international institutions (Altbach, 2007, p. 24) and that, relative to their size, international activities were historically broader than today.
Ulrich Bremer
Chapter 2. Current State of Literature
This chapter aims at laying the foundation for the development of theory on the internationalization of German universities, which takes place within the environment of global trends and developments (Hahn, 2004, p. 25). These aspects encompass globalization and internationalization in general, and in regard to higher education in particular. In the next section, the essence of strategy and strategic management in general, and in the context of higher education, is explored by presenting key theories.
Ulrich Bremer
Chapter 3. Exploring the Impact of Influencing Factors on Internationalization, Using Quantitative Methods
After exploring existing theories on internationalization of universities in general, and of German universities in particular, this chapter aims to quantitatively capture supporting and inhibiting factors, and is followed by the views of leaders in the next chapter.
Ulrich Bremer
Chapter 4. Testing, Results and Interpretation
This research received 28 out of 78, or 35.8% responses. As Robson and McCartan (2016) denote, there is no clear threshold for participation rate defined in literature (p. 260).
Ulrich Bremer
Chapter 5. Exploring Internationalization Approaches for the Future, Using Qualitative Methods
This research follows the assumption that leadership has a significant impact on organizational behaviour in internationalization, based on the theory developed by Hambrick and Mason (1984), and Hambrick (2007). However, the quantitative approach in the previous chapter could not show a significant impact of international exposure in leaders on an internationalization outcome in the defined sense. Consequently, this chapter aims at exploring the perspective of leaders towards the internationalization process of universities: How do leaders perceive their role in the internationalization process? Which underlying motivations drive them? Which rationale do they follow in shaping the internationalization process of their university? And what is their vision for the further development of internationalization, in general and within their university?
Ulrich Bremer
Chapter 6. Summary and Conclusion
This research aims at explaining the internationalization behaviour of German public research universities by means of strategic management. After describing different dimensions of internationalization, it defines the internationalization outcome as the change in ratio of international students and change in ratio of international researchers. The topic is placed in the context of the demographic situation of Germany, where studies expect a lack of five million skilled employees by 2030 (Suder & Killius, 2011).
Ulrich Bremer
Internationalization Strategies of German Universities
Ulrich Bremer
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