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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

1. Introduction (and a Warning...)

Author : Raphael H Cohen

Published in: Pre-Project Excellence

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This introduction emphasizes the importance of the pre-project stage and the analysis before resource allocation, which is pivotal for any project developer and for any decision-maker. Additional objectives of the book are to enhance the project selection process, assist organizations in gaining competitive advantages, and aid innovators in turning their ideas into realities. The book provides a structured model of the entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial process, highlighting the importance of discipline and process. It aims to equip project initiators, particularly intrapreneurs, with the tools they need to thrive. The chapter also highlights the need for large organizations to tap into their employees’ innovative capabilities and properly set up the intrapreneurial process. The author also emphasizes the importance of a common vocabulary to facilitate effective communication around innovation and pre-project management.
To implement ISO 56007, readers can use the content of this book to understand and apply the best practices outlined in the standard. Each chapter concludes with a box featuring a grey frame and a white background that explains how its content relates to ISO 56007, providing guidance on how to implement the standard effectively. By following the structured model and utilizing the tools and methods presented in the book, individuals and organizations can align their practices with ISO 56007 and improve their management of ideas and opportunities.

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The Standish Group’s 1995 CHAOS Report. Later CHAOS Reports show similar patterns, i.e. the 2015 Report which can be downloaded on https://​www.​standishgroup.​com/​sample_​research_​files/​CHAOSReport2015-Final.​pdf.
ISO 56007: Tools and methods for managing opportunities and ideas — Guidance.
Introduction (and a Warning...)
Raphael H Cohen
Copyright Year

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