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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

1. Introduction: Critical Perspectives on the Geographies of the Platform Economy

Authors : Mário Vale, Daniela Ferreira, Nuno Rodrigues

Published in: Geographies of the Platform Economy

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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In the era of rapid technological change, digital platforms like Amazon, Uber, and Airbnb are transforming the global economy. This book takes a critical perspective on the geographies of the platform economy, exploring its impact on labour, socio-spatial inequalities, and digital divides. The book organisation is as follows. The first section examines the platform economy’s role in economic organization, discussing terms like the “fourth industrial revolution” and gig economy. Digital platforms reshape value chains, markets, and firms, but concerns arise about worker exploitation and labour rights. The second section focuses on the position of digital platforms in work, addressing challenges faced by gig economy workers, including issues of immigration, gender, and access to citizenship. Cooperative models emerge as alternatives. The third section explores digital spatial divides, emphasizing the platform economy’s rootedness in geographical dynamics. Internet access disparities and algorithmic management contribute to socio-spatial inequalities. The book concludes by unravelling the complex dimensions of the platform economy, shedding light on its profound impact on contemporary society, economy, and geography.

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Introduction: Critical Perspectives on the Geographies of the Platform Economy
Mário Vale
Daniela Ferreira
Nuno Rodrigues
Copyright Year