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2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

3. Introduction on Elasticity and Hydrodynamics of Solid Quasicrystals

Authors : Tian-You Fan, Wenge Yang, Hui Cheng, Xiao-Hong Sun

Published in: Generalized Dynamics of Soft-Matter Quasicrystals

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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Elasticity and hydrodynamics of solid quasicrystals are the basis of the dynamics of soft-matter quasicrystals. A brief review of these topics is given in this chapter, which may be beneficial for understanding the dynamics of soft-matter quasicrystals.

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Introduction on Elasticity and Hydrodynamics of Solid Quasicrystals
Tian-You Fan
Wenge Yang
Hui Cheng
Xiao-Hong Sun
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore

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