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2018 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Introduction to the Representation Theory of Finite-Dimensional Algebras: The Functorial Approach

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These are the notes of a course given at the CIMPA School “Homological Methods, Representation Theory and Cluster Algebras,” Mar del Plata, Argentina, 2016. The aim of this brief course is to give an introduction to the functorial approach to the representation theory of finite-dimensional algebras, developed by Maurice Auslander and Idun Reiten, and is strongly based on the work “A functorial approach to representation theory,” by M. Auslander (Representations of Algebras. Springer, Berlin, 1981) [4].

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go back to reference Auslander, M.: A functorial approach to representation theory. In: M. Auslander, E. Lluis (eds.) Representations of Algebras (Puebla, 1980), Lecture Notes in Math., vol. 903, pp. 105–179. Springer, Berlin (1981) Auslander, M.: A functorial approach to representation theory. In: M. Auslander, E. Lluis (eds.) Representations of Algebras (Puebla, 1980), Lecture Notes in Math., vol. 903, pp. 105–179. Springer, Berlin (1981)
go back to reference Cartan, H., Eilenberg, S.: Homological Algebra. Princeton Landmarks Math. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ (1999). Reprint of the 1956 original Cartan, H., Eilenberg, S.: Homological Algebra. Princeton Landmarks Math. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ (1999). Reprint of the 1956 original
go back to reference Reiten, I., Smalø, S.O., Solberg, Ø. (eds.): Selected works of Maurice Auslander, Collect. Works, vol. 10. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI (1999) Reiten, I., Smalø, S.O., Solberg, Ø. (eds.): Selected works of Maurice Auslander, Collect. Works, vol. 10. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI (1999)
Introduction to the Representation Theory of Finite-Dimensional Algebras: The Functorial Approach
María Inés Platzeck
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