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2021 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

1. Introduction

Author : Agnieszka Bieńkowska

Published in: Introducing the Controlling Effectiveness Model

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Introduction presents controlling as a popular, although still ambiguous, method of management support. The perception of controlling assumed in the monograph was indicated, along with the concept of benefits, which may be obtained due to controlling implementation. Based on that, a research question was asked about conditions that must be satisfied in the organization in order for the controlling products to be of a high quality, enabling its influence on parameters concerning organization functioning. Moreover, the research gap was defined and the aims of the study were established. The main aim of the study is to indicate which aspects of the controlling functioning conditions are most crucial in the process of enabling the high quality and effectiveness of controlling and, based on that, the benefits obtained by the organization as a whole (according to the preliminary Controlling Effectiveness Model).

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Agnieszka Bieńkowska
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