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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

1. Introduction

Authors : Ethiopia B. Zeleke, Mekdelawit M. Deribe, Assefa M. Melesse

Published in: Land and Water Degradation in Ethiopia

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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The world is facing an unprecedented level of land and water degradation, the two most important resources for human survival and proper functioning of the environment. As the population grows, the need for land and water has increased dramatically, leading to deterioration of water quality and loss of land fertility, impacting human health and agricultural productivity. These impacts are pronounced in developing countries where watershed management and farming practices are traditional and poor. These effects are also highly compounded by the impact of climate change increasing the vulnerability of communities to droughts and floods. This book aims to shed light on the complex interplay between climate change and land use change and their implications for land and water degradation in Ethiopia.

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Ethiopia B. Zeleke
Mekdelawit M. Deribe
Assefa M. Melesse
Copyright Year