As mentioned earlier, the theory of performance-based seismic design has gradually been applied and developed in various engineering fields. However, for earth-rock dams, the current seismic safety assessment mainly relies on traditional deterministic analysis methods for simulation. Despite the initial forays into performance-based seismic safety assessment, especially concerning high concrete faced rockfill dams, research in this area remains relatively scarce. Current studies have also inadequately accounted for uncertainty factors under seismic conditions and have not conducted seismic safety analysis from a probabilistic perspective. Additionally, there is a lack of a systematic evaluation framework and system. Therefore, this section summarizes the existing research efforts, providing an overview of the main issues currently present. Addressing these issues, the main research content of this paper is introduced.
1.3.2 Main Ideas and Tasks
In response to the aforementioned main issues, a performance-based seismic safety evaluation framework for high concrete faced rockfill dams is established, systematically considering the uncertainties under seismic actions. Addressing seismic motion randomness, dam-building material parameter uncertainty, and the coupled randomness of seismic motion and material parameters, a methodology is developed based on the hydraulic seismic design spectrum for generating stochastic seismic motions. High-dimensional stochastic parameter sample generation methods and seismic motion-material parameter coupled stochastic sample generation methods are established. Combining refined nonlinear finite element dynamic time history analysis methods, probability density evolution methods, and vulnerability analysis methods, the stochastic dynamic response characteristics of high concrete faced rockfill dams are studied from a probabilistic perspective.
Proposed seismic safety evaluation performance indicators for high concrete faced rockfill dams are suggested, along with corresponding performance levels that have probabilistic guarantees. Ultimately, a multi-seismic intensity-multi-performance objective-failure probability performance relationship is established. This forms a preliminary performance-based seismic safety evaluation framework that provides a scientific basis for the seismic design and performance control of high concrete faced rockfill dams. The main contents of this book encompass the following aspects:
This Chapter: This chapter provides a brief overview of the research background and significance of this paper. It introduces the content and development of performance-based structural seismic safety design and elaborates on the key issues in the seismic safety evaluation of high concrete faced rockfill dams based on performance criteria. It points out the main challenges existing in current research and introduces the research scope of this paper.
2: This chapter briefly outlines the uncertain factors present in earth-rock dams under seismic actions and the main probabilistic analysis methods. It focuses on introducing the generalized probability density evolution method and its relevant application process. The process of generating stochastic seismic motion and high-dimensional stochastic samples is established. The effectiveness and reliability of the generalized probability density evolution method applied to large-scale geotechnical engineering are verified. This lays the theoretical foundation for subsequent analyses of stochastic seismic response and performance-based seismic safety evaluation of high concrete faced rockfill dams.
3: This chapter comprehensively considers the randomness of seismic excitation, combining the generalized probability density evolution method with elastoplastic analysis. From the perspectives of stochastic dynamics and probability, it reveals the seismic response patterns of high concrete faced rockfill dams, forming the foundation for a performance-based seismic safety evaluation. The stochastic dynamic and probabilistic responses of several commonly used response variables in high concrete faced rockfill dams, including dam body acceleration, deformation, and panel stress, are examined. The numerical distribution ranges of these response indicators are studied from the viewpoints of stochastic dynamics and probability under various seismic intensities. Finally, based on performance indicators that combine dam top settlement deformation and the ratio of panel demand stress, along with cumulative over-stress duration, a preliminary performance-based seismic safety evaluation framework tailored to high concrete faced rockfill dams is established.
4: This chapter combines the high-dimensional stochastic parameter sampling method based on the GF-deviation resampling technique with the generalized probability density evolution method. It uncovers the stochastic dynamic response and probabilistic characteristics of high concrete faced rockfill dams influenced by random factors in material parameters. Using the GF-deviation resampling technique for optimized point selection, elastoplastic stochastic parameter samples are generated. These samples are then combined with elastoplastic analysis for high concrete faced rockfill dams. The chapter delves into the stochastic dynamic response and probabilistic characteristics of high concrete faced rockfill dams under deterministic seismic actions, considering the impact of random factors in material parameters. The effects of different distribution types of stochastic parameters are also compared.
5: This chapter systematically considers the coupled randomness of seismic motion and material parameters. It thoroughly investigates the impact of this coupling on the dynamic response and seismic safety of high concrete faced rockfill dams from the perspectives of stochastic dynamics and probability. This chapter further refines the performance-based seismic safety evaluation framework. By combining spectral representation-random function methods with random material parameter variables, both stochastic seismic motions and random material parameter samples are simultaneously generated. From the viewpoints of stochastic dynamics and probability, the chapter contrasts the effects of various stochastic factors, including seismic motion randomness, material parameter uncertainty, and the coupling of seismic motion and material parameters, on the seismic response of high concrete faced rockfill dams. The framework is extended to encompass a multi-seismic intensity-multi-performance objective-exceed probability performance relationship and fragility curves considering the coupled randomness of seismic motion and material parameters under different seismic intensity levels. This finalizes the refinement of the performance-based seismic safety evaluation framework.
6: This chapter delves into the stochastic dynamic response patterns of three-dimensional high concrete faced rockfill dams. It primarily explores the selection of performance indicators and performance levels for panel safety assessment. It establishes a connection with the aforementioned performance safety evaluation framework and further enhances the performance-based seismic safety evaluation framework. This chapter serves as a scientific basis for the seismic design and performance control of high concrete faced rockfill dams.
7: Departing from the perspective of current hydraulic seismic codes and engineering applications, this chapter systematically considers the randomness of seismic motion, material parameter uncertainty, and the coupling of seismic motion and material parameters. It explores a performance-based seismic safety evaluation framework for the slope stability of high concrete faced rockfill dams. Using the dynamic finite element time history method for slope stability analysis, coupled with soil softening strength change calculations, and incorporating the generalized probability density evolution method, the chapter evaluates the influence of rockfill material softening characteristics on the seismic safety stability of dam slopes from stochastic and probabilistic viewpoints. By considering safety factors, the cumulative time of safety factor exceeding limits, and cumulative slip displacement, the impact of material softening on dam slope seismic safety stability is assessed. Finally, a progressive development of probabilistic analysis methods for dam slope stability and a performance-based seismic safety evaluation framework for dam slope stability are established.
8: Conclusion and Future Outlook. This chapter summarizes the research conducted in this paper, elucidates the main points of innovation, and outlines the primary directions and content for future research endeavors (Fig. 1.5).
The finite element static, dynamic, and stability calculations utilize the independently developed software tools, GEODYNA and FEMSTABLE 2.0, by the Institute of Engineering Seismic Research, School of Hydraulic Engineering, Dalian University of Technology. This software suite, supported by funding from more than 10 projects by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, incorporates numerous advantages and advanced constitutive relationships from various foreign geotechnical engineering analysis programs like FEMDAM, QUAD8, GEOSLOPE, and FLUSH. It encompasses over ten types of elements, including continuous block elements, interface elements, beam elements, column elements, mass elements, and boundary elements (viscous boundaries). This suite is developed using the Visual C++ platform, object-oriented design methods, and advanced technologies such as CPU + GPU parallel computing. Presently, this software suite has been applied in seismic calculations and analysis for dozens of major earth-rock dam projects, nuclear power plant projects, as well as significant water transportation projects such as ports, both domestically and internationally. It has gained extensive usage and accumulated rich engineering experience.