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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

1. Introduction

Author : Rixu Lan

Published in: The Financial Development of China

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The financial development of China has gone through a journey of 70 years, experiencing two distinct periods. In the 30 years before the reform and opening up, China integrated the financial systems of the old and newly liberated areas on the basis of the revolutionary war period’s financial industry, establishing the financial system of China. Subsequently, to adapt to the needs of the social economic system, China quickly established a relatively single financial system with a focus on “managing funds”. In the 40 years since the reform and opening up, China’s financial sector has gradually shifted from “managing funds” to “regulating market”, forming a multi-level financial system centered around the People’s Bank of China. This system is characterized by comprehensive functions, diverse forms, division of labor, cooperation, and complementarity. It has achieved remarkable results in utilizing macro-financial regulation to promote more than 30 years of high-speed economic growth in China, often referred to as a “miracle”. In terms of current economic structural adjustments and transformations, the “Internet+” model led by internet finance has undoubtedly triggered the “Catfish Effect” in China’s economic development. The financial sector has witnessed a surge of innovation, and certain branches are beginning to surpass international standards.

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The finance of China has always been the focus of the academic circle and in all walks of life. However, from the perspective of the changes of the finance of China in the past 70 years, the existing researches mainly focus on China’s finance within 50 years and 60 years since 1949, with the latest written in 2017 (such as 50 Years of Finance of China edited by Shang Ming, China Finance and Economics Press, 1999; Yang Xitian et al., A General History of Chinese Finance (Volume 6): The Period of the People's Republic of China, China Finance Publishing House, 2002; 60 Years of Finance in China, China Finance and Economics Publishing House, 2009; Li De, The Development of China's Financial Industry (Volume 1 and 2), People's Publishing House, 2015; Cao Yuanzheng, Great Power and Great Finance: 40 Years of Financial System Reform in China, 2018 edition of Guangdong Economic Publishing House, etc.) Of course, in the economic history of the People's Republic of China, there are also related to the development of the financial industry, most of the content is simple; Although there are some specialized works published in the fields of capital market, banking, the People's Bank of China, insurance, trust, etc., the contents are concentrated in relatively single and specialized fields, which is difficult to reflect the overall picture of the financial development of China, and there is no corresponding follow-up research. There are also obvious deficiencies in some fields of previous studies, and the changes are rarely analyzed from the perspective of financial functions. This book is an in-depth analysis of the 70-year history of financial development in China from this perspective.
Huang Da. Finance—Meaning, Discipline, Situation, Method and Others. China Finance Publishing House, 2001: 3.
Documents Research Office of the CPC Central Committee: Selected and Edited Important Documents Since the Founding of the People's Republic of China (Volume 1), China Central Literary Publishing House, 2011: 2.
Lan Rixu: Changes in Financial Organizations in China and Abroad: From the perspective of Market-Technology-Organization, Social Sciences Academic Press, 2016: 203.
One committee: Financial Stability and Development Committee; One bank and two supervision commissions: China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission; People’s Bank of China, China Securities Regulatory Commission.
Li Yang et al.: 60 Years of Financial Development in China, China Finance and Economic Press, 2009, Preface.
Zhang Xiaojun, Ma Yue. Understanding Chinese Finance, Chemical Industry Press, 2016: 155.
Lan Rixu: The Reflection of the Development of Internet Finance Industry on the Adjustment of China’s Industrial Structure, Industrial and Technological History Research, Volume 2, 2017.
Hu Ruyin: The Development and Changes of China’s Capital Market, Gezhi Publishing House, Shanghai People’s Publishing House, 2008: 230.
Yang Xitian et al. China's Financial History (Volume 6): The Period of the People's Republic of China, China Finance Publishing House, 2002, Introduction, p. 5.
Xi Jinping: “Secure a Decisive Victory in Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects and Strive for the Great Success of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era—Report at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.”.
Rixu Lan
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Springer Nature Singapore

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