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2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

5. Investigating the Effective Methods in Improving the Resilience of Electricity and Gas Systems

Authors : Mohammad Mehdi Amiri, Hossein Ameli, Mohammad Taghi Ameli, Goran Strbac

Published in: Whole Energy Systems

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Consumption of natural gas and the share of renewable energy in meeting global energy demand have grown significantly. Consequently, gas and electrical grids are becoming more integrated with fast responding gas-fired power stations, providing the primary backup source for renewable electricity in maintaining supply-demand balance. For an engineering system (e.g., gas and electricity systems infrastructure), many definitions of similar essence have been proposed, focusing on the ability to deal with disruptions. Taking the importance of actions prior, during, and afterward of an adverse event in mind, resilience is defined as a system’s ability to anticipate, resist, absorb, respond to, adapt to, and recover from a disturbance. Hence, in this chapter the importance of resiliency in the electricity and gas network’s cooperation is demonstrated, and different strategies and methods to increase resiliency are investigated.

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Investigating the Effective Methods in Improving the Resilience of Electricity and Gas Systems
Mohammad Mehdi Amiri
Hossein Ameli
Mohammad Taghi Ameli
Goran Strbac
Copyright Year