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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Investigating the Properties of Soil Obtained from the Olifantsfontein Resource Facility and Its Potential Use in Earth Bricks

Authors : Nerissa Chinsamy, Rochelle Appalsamy, Janina P. Kanjee

Published in: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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The rising demand for housing, propelled by population growth, calls for affordable and reliable construction materials. Compressed Stabilized Earth Blocks (CSEB), an environmentally friendly construction material, serves as a potential solution. The clay soil retrieved from the Olifantsfontein Resource Facility, previously unused and occupying valuable space, was repurposed to produce CSEB, aligning with the company’s waste reduction commitment. Soil analysis following South African National Standards (SANS) and American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) guidelines, revealing poorly graded sand with silt and clay. River sand was chosen based on particle packing theory to achieve a well-graded PSD. Three mixtures with varying clay and river sand proportions, while maintaining a constant cement content of 5%, were prepared. Optimum moisture content was determined through trials with different moisture levels. A compressive strength test, both dry and wet, along with a water absorption test, were conducted to evaluate the brick’s performance under variable conditions. Results showed that increasing clay content improved compressive strength, classifying the bricks as load-bearing. The study’s compressive strength test results ranged between 3–5 MPa, with dry compressive strength outperforming wet compressive strength. On average, the three mixtures exhibited a water absorption of 11.31%, although mix designs with varying clay content showed different average water contents due to the water-absorption properties of cement and the water-holding capacity of clay. Overall, the findings demonstrate the potential of Olifantsfontein clay as a sustainable construction material for meeting the increasing demand for housing.

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Investigating the Properties of Soil Obtained from the Olifantsfontein Resource Facility and Its Potential Use in Earth Bricks
Nerissa Chinsamy
Rochelle Appalsamy
Janina P. Kanjee
Copyright Year