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Investigating the role of structural parameters of gold thin film nanohole arrays on the plasmonic phenomenon of extraordinary optical transmission

Authors: Mehdi Tavakoli, Ali Shirpay

Published in: Journal of Computational Electronics | Issue 3/2024

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Given the physical constraints in electronic integrated circuit production, the adoption of photonic integrated circuits (PICs) is burgeoning. However, utilizing photonic crystals in PIC construction faces challenges in compressing and efficiently transmitting light in dimensions much smaller than the light wavelength, alongside the lack of direct interaction with conventional electronic integrated circuits. To address these challenges, plasmonic technology has been employed, leveraging the intrinsic interaction between photons and electrons and the phenomenon of extraordinary optical transmission (EOT) through nanohole arrays. This study investigates the significance of plasmonic structures in PIC realization by examining various structural parameters such as hole radius, layer thickness, substrate refractive index, and electric field distribution in EOT properties. Through an analysis of each parameter’s effect on the proposed structure, an optimal structure is introduced, maximizing both absolute optical transmission efficiency and high-quality factor Q. Main calculations based on Rayleigh-Wood anomalies analysis, along with simulations using the finite-difference time-domain method, demonstrate the ability to predict and interpret the presence or absence of surface plasmon resonance peaks in the transmission spectrum independently of complex and time-consuming numerical simulations. This phenomenon holds important implications for the design of photonic integrated circuits, plasmonic sensors, and optoelectronic devices.

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Investigating the role of structural parameters of gold thin film nanohole arrays on the plasmonic phenomenon of extraordinary optical transmission
Mehdi Tavakoli
Ali Shirpay
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Journal of Computational Electronics / Issue 3/2024
Print ISSN: 1569-8025
Electronic ISSN: 1572-8137