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2025 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

iText2KG: Incremental Knowledge Graphs Construction Using Large Language Models

Authors : Yassir Lairgi, Ludovic Moncla, Rémy Cazabet, Khalid Benabdeslem, Pierre Cléau

Published in: Web Information Systems Engineering – WISE 2024

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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Most available data is unstructured, making it challenging to access valuable information. Automatically building Knowledge Graphs (KGs) is crucial for structuring data and making it accessible, allowing users to search for information effectively. KGs also facilitate insights, inference, and reasoning. Traditional NLP methods, such as named entity recognition and relation extraction, are key in information retrieval but face limitations, including predefined entity types and the need for supervised learning. Current research leverages large language models’ capabilities, such as zero- or few-shot learning. However, unresolved and semantically duplicated entities and relations still pose challenges, leading to inconsistent graphs and requiring extensive post-processing. Additionally, most approaches are topic-dependent. In this paper, we propose iText2KG (The code and the dataset are available at https://​github.​com/​AuvaLab/​itext2kg), a method for incremental, topic-independent KG construction without post-processing. This plug-and-play, zero-shot method is applicable across a wide range of KG construction scenarios and comprises four modules: Documents Distiller, Incremental Entities Extractor, Incremental Relations Extractor, and Graph Integrator. Our method demonstrates superior performance compared to baseline methods across three scenarios: converting scientific papers to graphs, websites to graphs, and CVs to graphs.

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iText2KG: Incremental Knowledge Graphs Construction Using Large Language Models
Yassir Lairgi
Ludovic Moncla
Rémy Cazabet
Khalid Benabdeslem
Pierre Cléau
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore

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