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Mind & Society OnlineFirst articles

On the transparency of nudges: an experiment

We investigate the effects that different levels of transparency may have on a simple nudge. Using an incentivized task and eliminating possible confounds due to strategic reasoning, we examine how different types of information (positive …

Health care as participatory sense-making: an enactive perspective on relations between patients and health care providers

Participatory sense-making is already an established concept within enactivism. It is used to define the participatory nature of cognitive relations, designating that humans and other organisms make sense of their surrounding environments not just …

Habits of affluence: unfeeling, enactivism and the ecological crisis of capitalism

  • Open Access

In this text, I discuss the role that a range of habits in affluent societies play in upholding as well as masking an unsustainable status quo. I show that enactivism, as a philosophical approach to the embodied and embedded mind, offers resources …

Trust and reliance in the cognitive institutions of cryptocurrency

  • Open Access

The stated aim of cryptocurrencies is to free the monetary system from the need to trust financial intermediaries, by relying on incentive design and technology. Many descriptive studies, however, have questioned cryptocurrencies’ delivery on the …