Issue 1/2023
Content (9 Articles)
- Open Access
Imputation Strategies for Clustering Mixed-Type Data with Missing Values
Rabea Aschenbruck, Gero Szepannek, Adalbert F. X. Wilhelm
- Original Research
Merging Components in Linear Gaussian Cluster-Weighted Models
Sangkon Oh, Byungtae Seo
A Semi-parametric Density Estimation with Application in Clustering
Mahdi Salehi, Andriette Bekker, Mohammad Arashi
- Open Access
Uncertainty Diagnostics of Binomial Regression Trees for Ordered Rating Data
Rosaria Simone
- Open Access
DDCAL: Evenly Distributing Data into Low Variance Clusters Based on Iterative Feature Scaling
Marian Lux, Stefanie Rinderle-Ma
Model-Based Clustering and Classification Using Mixtures of Multivariate Skewed Power Exponential Distributions
Utkarsh J. Dang, Michael P.B. Gallaugher, Ryan P. Browne, Paul D. McNicholas
Finding the Proverbial Needle: Improving Minority Class Identification Under Extreme Class Imbalance
Trent Geisler, Herman Ray, Ying Xie