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Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics

Issue 12/2016 Special Issue of the Solar Asia-2015 Conference: Selected Papers

Content (135 Articles)

Forward for special issue of the Solar Asia-2015 conference: selected papers

  • Editorial

I. M. Dharmadasa, N. B. Chaure, S. R. Jadkar, Anjali Kshirsangar, H. M. Pathan

Copper and iron doped zinc oxide: chemical synthesis, characterization and their properties

Pooja P. Magar, Vishal S. Kadam, Swaleha F. Mulla, Arif V. Shaikh, Habib M. Pathan

Characterization of titania thin films grown by dip-coating technique

Davoud Dastan, Seyedeh Leila Panahi, Nandu B. Chaure

Chemically deposited nickel oxide as counter electrode for dye sensitized solar cell

A. T. Yadav, P. P. Magar, V. S. Kadam, C. V. Jagtap, C. S. Pawar

The optical and electrical transport studies of ZnxCo1−xS thin films

S. S. Kamble, A. Sikora, S. L. Deshmukh, S. T. Pawar, G. T. Chavan, D. P. Dubal, N. B. Chaure, N. N. Maldar, L. P. Deshmukh

Influence of carbon and phosphorus doping on electronic properties of ZnO

Vidhika Sharma, Mohit Prasad, Sandesh Jadkar, Sourav Pal

Synthesis and characterization of zinc stannate thin films prepared by spray pyrolysis technique

Mahendra A. Patil, Sarfraj H. Mujawar, Vinayak V. Ganbavle, Kesu Y. Rajpure, Harish P. Deshmukh

Pristine and cadmium-doped zinc oxide: chemical synthesis and characterizations

C. V. Jagtap, V. S. Kadam, T. T. Ghogare, Y. A. Inamdar, A. A. Shaikh, R. S. Mane, A. V. Shaikh

Hot wire chemical vapor deposited multiphase silicon carbide (SiC) thin films at various filament temperatures

Amit Pawbake, Vaishali Waman, Ravindra Waykar, Ashok Jadhavar, Ajinkya Bhorde, Rupali Kulkarni, Adinath Funde, Jayesh Parmar, Somnath Bhattacharyya, Abhijit Date, Rupesh Devan, Vidhika Sharma, Ganesh Lonkar, Sandesh Jadkar

Indium selenide microrod films: chemical bath deposition from acidic bath

Sanjay B. Bansode, Ramesh S. Kapadnis, Abu S. Ansari, Vasant G. Wagh, Anil N. Kulkarni, Sampat S. Kale, Habib M. Pathan

Electrodeposition of template free hierarchical ZnO nanorod arrays via a chloride medium

Avinash Rokade, Sachin Rondiya, Bharat Gabhale, Kiran Diwate, Smita Karpe, Azam Mayabadi, Subhash Pandharkar, Vidhika Sharma, Ganesh Lonkar, Habib Pathan, Sandesh Jadkar

Influence of RF power on structural optical and electrical properties of hydrogenated nano-crystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) thin films deposited by PE-CVD

Ashok Jadhavar, Amit Pawbake, Ravindra Waykar, Vaishali Waman, Sachin Rondiya, Omkar Shinde, Rupali Kulkarni, Avinash Rokade, Ajinkya Bhorde, Adinath Funde, Dinkar Patil, Habib Pathan, Sandesh Jadkar

Study of electrochemically grown copper indium diselenide (CIS) thin films for photovoltaic applications

Ashwini B. Rohom, Priyanka U. Londhe, Ganesh R. Bhand, Manorama G. Lakhe, Nandu B. Chaure

Substrate temperature dependent structural, optical, morphology and electrical properties of RF sputtered CdTe thin films for solar cell application

Rupali Kulkarni, Amit Pawbake, Ravindra Waykar, Ashok Jadhavar, Avinash Rokade, Sachin Rondiya, Smita Karpe, Kiran Diwate, Adinath Funde, Vidhika Sharma, Ganesh Lonkar, Sandesh Jadkar

Kesterite based thin film absorber layers from ball milled precursors

Bhagyashree Pani, Sujit Pillai, Udai P. Singh

Modified photo-electrochemical and photo-voltaic properties of solvothermally crystallised TiO2 nanotube arrays

Manmadha Rao Banki, Mukta Tathavadekar, Venkatrao Chunchu, Somnath C. Roy

Titania sensitized with SPADNS dye for dye sensitized solar cell

Pravin N. Didwal, Kalpana S. Pawar, Parameshwar R. Chikate, Ashutosh C. Abhyankar, Habib M. Pathan, Rupesh S. Devan

Emitter passivation of silicon solar cell via organic coating at room temperature

Onkar S. Shinde, Adinath M. Funde, Mohit Agarwal, Sandesh R. Jadkar, Shailaja R. Mahamuni, Rajiv O. Dusane, Neelkanth G. Dhere, Subhash V. Ghaisas

Optimisation of CdTe electrodeposition voltage for development of CdS/CdTe solar cells

D. G. Diso, F. Fauzi, O. K. Echendu, O. I. Olusola, I. M. Dharmadasa

Effect of K content to lead-free SrBi4Ti4O15–(Na0.5Bi0.5)Bi4Ti4O15 piezoelectric ceramics

Na Li, Weibing Ma, Xiangrong Zang, Yanyun Wang, Jingdong Guo, Huaidang Zhao, Minjie Ma

Spin and dipole order in geometrically frustrated mixed-valence manganite Pb3Mn7O15

  • Open Access

S. A. Ivanov, A. A. Bush, M. Hudl, A. I. Stash, G. André, R. Tellgren, V. M. Cherepanov, A. V. Stepanov, K. E. Kamentsev, Y. Tokunaga, Y. Taguchi, Y. Tokura, P. Nordblad, R. Mathieu

A novel method for the deposition of polycrystalline Sb2S3 thin films

P. A. Chate, D. J. Sathe, S. D. Lakde, V. D. Bhabad

In situ synthesis of biocarbon coated Li3V2(PO4)3 cathode material using lotus leaf as carbon source

Yaoyao Wang, Xudong Zhang, Wen He, Chuanliang Wei, Qiaohuan Cheng, Changgang Li

Optical and spectroscopic investigation of tunable size PbS nanocrystals embedded in insulating PVA matrix

Mitesh H. Patel, Tapas K. Chaudhuri, T. Shripathi, U. Deshpande, Vaibhav K. Patel

Preparation and characterization of Mn1.2Co0.6Ni1.2O4 NTC ceramic materials by rheological phase reaction method

Qinan Zhang, Long Chen, Cuiping Huang, Junhua Wang, Aimin Chang, Jincheng Yao, Huimin Chen

Study on the physics and dielectric property of Al2O3–B2O3–SiO2/Al2O3 glass + ceramic

Xiaohua Zhou, Xiaoyan Li, Fan Yang, Chengli Sun, Shuren Zhang

Effect of multiple defects and substituted impurities on the band structure of graphene: a DFT study

K. Iyakutti, E. Mathan Kumar, Ranjit Thapa, R. Rajeswarapalanichamy, V. J. Surya, Y. Kawazoe

Recent progress of Sn–Ag–Cu lead-free solders bearing alloy elements and nanoparticles in electronic packaging

Jie Wu, Song-bai Xue, Jing-wen Wang, Shuang Liu, Yi-long Han, Liu-jue Wang

Optical properties of transparent electrodes based on carbon nanotubes and graphene platelets

  • Open Access

G. Wroblewski, B. Swatowska, L. Dybowska-Sarapuk, M. Jakubowska, T. Stapinski

Effects of ZrO2–ZnO on the sintering behavior and microwave dielectric properties of 0.65CaTiO3–0.35SmAlO3 ceramics

Lisong Hu, Hongqing Zhou, Qinglei Sun, Luchao Ren, Xianfu Luo, Yongkang Hu, Yunsheng Xia

Electromagnetic loss properties of ZnO nanofibers

Huan Xu, Wen Sun, Yonghao Gui, Lixi Wang, Mingxun Yu, Qitu Zhang

Statistically optimized synthesis of dyspersium tungstate nanoparticles as photocatalyst

Mehdi Rahimi-Nasrabadi, Seied Mahdi Pourmortazavi, Mohammad Reza Ganjali, Parviz Norouzi, Farnoosh Faridbod, Meisam Sadeghpour Karimi

Metamorphosis of the ZnO buffer layer thicknesses on the performance of inverted organic solar cells

M. Z. Sahdan, M. F. Malek, M. S. Alias, S. A. Kamaruddin, C. A. Norhidayah, N. Sarip, N. Nafarizal, M. Rusop

Pressure-induced formation of highly controlled branched silicon nanowires suitable for broadband absorption

M. Sadeghipari, L. Mehrvar, M. Hajmirzaheydarali, F. Salehi, S. Mohajerzadeh, H. Tavassoli

Synthesis and characterization of Sr1−x Y x Fe12O19 hexaferrites prepared by solid-state reaction method

Shuai Jiang, Xiansong Liu, Khalid Mehmood Ur Rehman, Mingling Li, Yingchun Wu

Thermoelectric properties of directionally grown Bi2Ba2Co2Oδ/Ag composites: effect of annealing

Sh. Rasekh, A. Sotelo, M. A. Torres, P. Bosque, M. A. Madre, J. C. Diez

Controllable synthesis of ZnO nanoflowers by the modified sol–gel method

Seyedeh Fatemeh Mousavi, Fatemeh Davar, M. R. Loghman-Estarki

Structural, optical and magnetic properties of Gadolinium-doped ZnO nanoparticles

Nupur Aggarwal, Kamaldeep Kaur, Ajay Vasishth, N. K. Verma

Facile fabrication of carbon spheres/n-Si junction diodes based on sucrose

Cesar A. Nieves, Anamaris Meléndez, Nicholas J. Pinto, Idalia Ramos

Investigation on structural and magneto-optical properties of electrospun Co-doped SnO2 hollow nanofibers

P. Mohanapriya, N. Padmanathan, R. Pradeepkumar, K. Mani Rahulan, T. S. Natarajan

Ru–TiO2 semiconducting nanoparticles for the photo-catalytic degradation of bromothymol blue

R. M. Kulkarni, R. S. Malladi, M. S. Hanagadakar, M. R. Doddamani, B. Santhakumari, S. D. Kulkarni

Optical, dielectric and ferroelectric properties of KTa0.63Nb0.37O3 and Cu doped KTa0.63Nb0.37O3 single crystals

Xu-Ping Wang, Qing-Gang Li, Yu-Guo Yang, Yuan-Yuan Zhang, Xian-Shun Lv, Lei Wei, Bing Liu, Jian-Hua Xu, Ling Ma, Ji-Yang Wang

Systematic optimization of phosphorous diffusion for solar cell application

M. Kermaniha, M. Kolahdouz, N. Manavizadeh, H. Aghababa, M. Elahi, M. Iraj, E. Asl-Soleimani, Henry H. Radamson

Luminescent properties of the white long afterglow phosphors: Sr3Al2O5Cl2: Eu2+, Dy3+

Qiuhan Zhang, Meizhu Rong, Huiying Tan, Zhengliang Wang, Qin Wang, Qiang Zhou, Guo Chen

Microwave synthesis and characterization of Sb2S3@NiS nanocomposites and investigation of its solar cell application through the electrophoresis deposition method

Afshin Davoodi, Mohammad Hossein Ahmadi, Mohammad Reza Hashemi-karbalaei, Marzie Eskandari, Abolfazl Salehi-shahrabi, Abbas Fallahian

Effect of thickness on crystallization behavior in GeSb9 phase change films

Wen Zhang, Dongyan Wu, Yifeng Hu, Airu Jiang, Junshu Xu, Hao Liu, Shupo Bu, Ruihua Shi

Facile preparation of TiO2 nanocrystals inserted in monodispersed mesoporous SiO2 nanospheres for enhanced photocatalytic activity

Tianxiu Qin, Shuxia Zhang, Pei Chen, Fengqi Zhao, Hongxu Gao, Xinbing Chen, Zhongwei An

Doped tin induced structural evaluation and performance of CH3NH3PbxSn1-xI3 thin films prepared by a simple route of unisource thermal evaporation

Julong Chen, Ping Fan, Guangxing Liang, Di Gu, Jingting Luo, Zhuanghao Zheng, Jun Zhao, Dongping Zhang

Spectroscopic investigations of RF sputtered Dy:ZnO as a conductive thin film nanophosphor

R. Vinodkumar, M. S. Sajna, V. P. Prakashan, N. V. Unnikrishnan

Structural, optical and electrical investigations on Nb doped TiO2 radio-frequency sputtered thin films from a powder target

I. Ben Jemaa, F. Chaabouni, L. Presmanes, Y. Thimont, M. Abaab, A. Barnabe, P. Tailhades

Signature of multiferroicity and impedance analysis of Co1−xZnxFe2−xLaxO4 nanoparticles

S. Shankar, Manish Kumar, P. Brijmohan, Shiv Kumar, O. P. Thakur, Anup K. Ghosh

Facile preparation of MnO2@C composite nanorods for high-performance supercapacitors

Zengcai Guo, Jingbo Mu, Hongwei Che, Guangshuo Wang, Aifeng Liu, Xiaoliang Zhang, Zhixiao Zhang

Synthesis and luminescence properties of Pr doped SLS–ZnO glass composite material for red phosphors

M. Nurzilla, Z. A. Wahab, J. Hassan, K. A. Matori, M. I. M. Zamratul