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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Knowledge-Driven Problem Identification in Action Research for ICT4D: Towards Transformative City Design and Development

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This study explores connections between Action Research (AR) and Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA) within the context of Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D), with a specific focus on Kenitra, Morocco. It aims to contribute to the transformation of urban development approaches in this region, where, despite local actors’ proclaimed commitment to concepts like smart cities, sustainable development, and digital transformation, they often face significant challenges when dealing with the urban complexities of the city. Utilizing a co-construction methodology that integrates PDIA, AR, and Soft Systems tools, and drawing inspiration from urban development theories and frameworks, this research seeks to address these challenges and foster a more effective transition toward smart and sustainable urban development through a proposed strategic application of ICT4D. This approach serves to bridge the divide between theoretical frameworks and the practical implementation of ICT for urban development. Data collection methods include seminars, document analysis, and participatory workshops, fostering stakeholder-driven change and enabling the co-creation and dissemination of knowledge and capabilities. The proposed approach involves a strategic integration of knowledge, which doesn’t naturally emerge solely from AR or PDIA approaches, enhancing understanding of territorial dynamics, enabling effective problem identification, and promoting transformative ICT-driven territorial development and sustainable innovation. This novel approach contributes to broader discussions on ICT’s role in economic, social, and human development.

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Knowledge-Driven Problem Identification in Action Research for ICT4D: Towards Transformative City Design and Development
Jaouad Dabounou
Soumia Hajbi
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