Issue 1/2018
Content (40 Articles)
Cost overrun factor analysis for hospital projects in Vietnam
- Construction Management
Soo-Yong Kim, Kiet Nguyen Tuan, Jae Do Lee, Hai Pham, Van Truong Luu
Economic viability analysis for fresh concrete waste reclaimers: The capacity of leftover concrete
- Construction Management
Aynur Kazaz, Serdar Ulubeyli, Murat Atici
Selection of cost-effective Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) applicable in highly impervious urban catchments
- Environmental Engineering
Jiyeon Choi, Marla C. Maniquiz-Redillas, Jungsun Hong, Lee-Hyung Kim
A facile method for preparation of efficient oxygen reduction catalyst for a microbial fuel cell cathode
- Environmental Engineering
Tae-Seon Choi, Young-Chae Song, Hudson Timothy
Effect of harvesting age and performance evaluation on biogasification from Napier grass in separated stages process
- Environmental Engineering
M. Chanpla, P. Kullavanijaya, A. Janejadkarn, O. Chavalparit
Performance assessment on combined process of the oxidation and Biological Activated Carbon filtration for removal of Chlorinated Volatile Organic Carbons from river water
- Environmental Engineering
Youngjin Kim, Kilsoo Hyun
Reliability analysis for Serviceability Limit State of pile groups foundation
- Geotechnical Engineering
Xiao-ya Bian, Jun-jie Zheng, Rong-Jun Zhang, Zhi-jun Xu
Experimental feasibility research on a high-efficiency cement-based clay stabilizer
- Geotechnical Engineering
Cong Ma, Bing Chen, Longzhu Chen
Effect of plastic fines on initial shear modulus of sand-clay mixtures
- Geotechnical Engineering
B. G. Shivaprakash, S. V. Dinesh
The entrainment effect of a debris avalanche on the erodible substrate in the presence of water flow
- Geotechnical Engineering
Peng-yuan Lu, Xing-guo Yang, Jia-wen Zhou
Analysis on response prediction of a single pile and pile groups based on the Runge-Kutta method
- Geotechnical Engineering
Dong-dong Pan, Qian-qing Zhang, Shan-wei Liu, Shi-min Zhang
A rapid field measurement method for the determination of Joint Roughness Coefficient of large rock joint surfaces
- Geotechnical Engineering
Rui Yong, Xi Fu, Man Huang, Qifeng Liang, Shi-Gui Du
Application of solar thermoelectric generation system for health monitoring system of civil infrastructures
- Highway Engineering
Jaejun Lee, Chisoo Lim, Jaekyu Lim, Sungchul Yang, Jeonghyuk Im
Wavelet based macrotexture analysis for pavement friction prediction
- Highway Engineering
Guangwei Yang, Qiang Joshua Li, You Jason Zhan, Kelvin C. P. Wang, Chaohui Wang
Evaluation of the effect of segregation on coarse aggregate structure and rutting potential of asphalt mixtures using Dominant Aggregate Size Range (DASR) approach
- Highway Engineering
Sanghyun Chun, Kukjoo Kim, Bongsuk Park, James Greene
Numerical modeling of long term reservoir sedimentation in semi-two dimensional manner
- Hydraulic Engineering
Jungkyu Ahn, Chang Geun Song
Scour and three-dimensional flow field measurement around short vertical-wall abutment protected by collar
- Hydraulic Engineering
Hojat Karami, Hossein Hosseinjanzadeh, Khosrow Hosseini, Abdollah Ardeshir
A study to determine the location of perforated drainpipe in a levee for controlling the seepage line
- Hydraulic Engineering
Hyeongyu Seo, Taeuk Kang, Micah Lourdes Felix, Sangho Lee
Behaviour of reinforced concrete beams with SIFCON at various locations in the beam
- Structural Engineering
S. Balaji, G. S. Thirugnanam
Experimental study on utilization of Organic Waste Ash in concrete mixtures
- Structural Engineering
Amir Rahimi, Seyed Farshad Dogmechi, Mohammad Reza Daemi
High-strength model material production for structural plane replica and its shear testing
- Structural Engineering
Feng Ji, Changjiang Liu, Yu Zhang, Luobing Zheng, Kai Pan, Xun Tan
Geometrical and boundary condition effects on restrained shrinkage behavior of UHPFRC slabs
- Structural Engineering
Doo-Yeol Yoo, Nemkumar Banthia, Young-Soo Yoon
Evaluation of time-dependent strain loss in CFRP eccentrically reinforced Shrinkage Compensating Concrete (SHCC) flexural members
- Structural Engineering
Qi Cao, Jianpu Zhou, Xiaofeng Wang, Jizhong Wang, Zhongguo John Ma
A modified three-parameter lognormal distribution for seismic demand assessment considering collapse data
- Structural Engineering
Azad Yazdani, Hessan Salehi, Mohammad Sadegh Shahidzadeh
Evaluation of maturity method for steel fiber reinforced concrete
- Structural Engineering
Saeid Kamkar, Özgür Eren
Attenuation of acoustic emission propagation along a steel strand embedded in concrete
- Structural Engineering
Fumin Li, Lang Huang, Huanxi Zhang, Tai Yang
Properties and reaction mechanisms of magnesium phosphate cement mixed with acetic acid
- Structural Engineering
Jun Li, Yong-sheng Ji, Guo-dong Huang, Zhan-zhan Xu, Gui-hong Yan
Investigation of precast new diagonal concrete panels in strengthened the infilled reinforced concrete frames
- Structural Engineering
Ceyhun Aksoylu, Rifat Sezer
Seismic hazard maps based on the intensity measure I Np
- Structural Engineering
Robespierre Chávez, Edén Bojórquez
Two statistical scrutinize of impact strength and strength reliability of steel Fibre-Reinforced Concrete
- Structural Engineering
G. Murali, R. Gayathri, V. R. Ramkumar, K. Karthikeyan
Experimental study on the fatigue performance of roof and U-rib welds of orthotropic steel bridge decks
- Structural Engineering
Zhongqiu Fu, Bohai Ji, Chengyi Zhang, Di Li
Integration of GIS, remote sensing and Multi-Criteria Evaluation tools in the search for healthy walking paths
- Surveying and Geo-Spatial Information Engineering
Mohammad Taleai, Ali Sabzali Yameqani
An iterative optimization model for hazardous materials transport with demand changes
- Transportation Engineering
Xianglong Sun, Shumin Feng, Zhenning Li
Short-term travel-time prediction on highway: A review on model-based approach
- Transportation Engineering
Simon Oh, Young-Ji Byon, Kitae Jang, Hwasoo Yeo
Multilevel model for ramp crash frequency that reflects heterogeneity among ramp types
- Transportation Engineering
Taehun Lee, Yoon-Young Choi, Seung-Young Kho, Dong-Kyu Kim
How does work activity affect quality of life?: A spatial analysis of trip chain behavior
- Transportation Engineering
Woonho Park, Keechoo Choi, Chang-Hyeon Joh
A dynamic modeling approach to simulate groundwater discharges into a tunnel from typical heterogenous geological media during continuing excavation
- Tunnel Engineering
Qiang Xia, Mo Xu, Han Zhang, Qiang Zhang, Xian-xuan Xiao
Optimal reservoir rule curves under climatic and land use changes for Lampao Dam using Genetic Algorithm
- Water Resources and Hydrologic Engineering
Haris Prasanchum, Anongrit Kangrang
Probabilistic assessment of meteorological drought over South Korea under RCP scenarios using a hidden Markov model
- Water Resources and Hydrologic Engineering
Jisoo Yu, Yei Jun Park, Hyun-Han Kwon, Tae-Woong Kim