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KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering

Issue 1/2018

Content (40 Articles)

Cost overrun factor analysis for hospital projects in Vietnam

  • Construction Management

Soo-Yong Kim, Kiet Nguyen Tuan, Jae Do Lee, Hai Pham, Van Truong Luu

Economic viability analysis for fresh concrete waste reclaimers: The capacity of leftover concrete

  • Construction Management

Aynur Kazaz, Serdar Ulubeyli, Murat Atici

Selection of cost-effective Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) applicable in highly impervious urban catchments

  • Environmental Engineering

Jiyeon Choi, Marla C. Maniquiz-Redillas, Jungsun Hong, Lee-Hyung Kim

A facile method for preparation of efficient oxygen reduction catalyst for a microbial fuel cell cathode

  • Environmental Engineering

Tae-Seon Choi, Young-Chae Song, Hudson Timothy

Effect of harvesting age and performance evaluation on biogasification from Napier grass in separated stages process

  • Environmental Engineering

M. Chanpla, P. Kullavanijaya, A. Janejadkarn, O. Chavalparit

Reliability analysis for Serviceability Limit State of pile groups foundation

  • Geotechnical Engineering

Xiao-ya Bian, Jun-jie Zheng, Rong-Jun Zhang, Zhi-jun Xu

Experimental feasibility research on a high-efficiency cement-based clay stabilizer

  • Geotechnical Engineering

Cong Ma, Bing Chen, Longzhu Chen

Effect of plastic fines on initial shear modulus of sand-clay mixtures

  • Geotechnical Engineering

B. G. Shivaprakash, S. V. Dinesh

The entrainment effect of a debris avalanche on the erodible substrate in the presence of water flow

  • Geotechnical Engineering

Peng-yuan Lu, Xing-guo Yang, Jia-wen Zhou

Analysis on response prediction of a single pile and pile groups based on the Runge-Kutta method

  • Geotechnical Engineering

Dong-dong Pan, Qian-qing Zhang, Shan-wei Liu, Shi-min Zhang

A rapid field measurement method for the determination of Joint Roughness Coefficient of large rock joint surfaces

  • Geotechnical Engineering

Rui Yong, Xi Fu, Man Huang, Qifeng Liang, Shi-Gui Du

Application of solar thermoelectric generation system for health monitoring system of civil infrastructures

  • Highway Engineering

Jaejun Lee, Chisoo Lim, Jaekyu Lim, Sungchul Yang, Jeonghyuk Im

Wavelet based macrotexture analysis for pavement friction prediction

  • Highway Engineering

Guangwei Yang, Qiang Joshua Li, You Jason Zhan, Kelvin C. P. Wang, Chaohui Wang

Scour and three-dimensional flow field measurement around short vertical-wall abutment protected by collar

  • Hydraulic Engineering

Hojat Karami, Hossein Hosseinjanzadeh, Khosrow Hosseini, Abdollah Ardeshir

A study to determine the location of perforated drainpipe in a levee for controlling the seepage line

  • Hydraulic Engineering

Hyeongyu Seo, Taeuk Kang, Micah Lourdes Felix, Sangho Lee

Experimental study on utilization of Organic Waste Ash in concrete mixtures

  • Structural Engineering

Amir Rahimi, Seyed Farshad Dogmechi, Mohammad Reza Daemi

High-strength model material production for structural plane replica and its shear testing

  • Structural Engineering

Feng Ji, Changjiang Liu, Yu Zhang, Luobing Zheng, Kai Pan, Xun Tan

Geometrical and boundary condition effects on restrained shrinkage behavior of UHPFRC slabs

  • Structural Engineering

Doo-Yeol Yoo, Nemkumar Banthia, Young-Soo Yoon

Evaluation of time-dependent strain loss in CFRP eccentrically reinforced Shrinkage Compensating Concrete (SHCC) flexural members

  • Structural Engineering

Qi Cao, Jianpu Zhou, Xiaofeng Wang, Jizhong Wang, Zhongguo John Ma

A modified three-parameter lognormal distribution for seismic demand assessment considering collapse data

  • Structural Engineering

Azad Yazdani, Hessan Salehi, Mohammad Sadegh Shahidzadeh

Evaluation of maturity method for steel fiber reinforced concrete

  • Structural Engineering

Saeid Kamkar, Özgür Eren

Attenuation of acoustic emission propagation along a steel strand embedded in concrete

  • Structural Engineering

Fumin Li, Lang Huang, Huanxi Zhang, Tai Yang

Properties and reaction mechanisms of magnesium phosphate cement mixed with acetic acid

  • Structural Engineering

Jun Li, Yong-sheng Ji, Guo-dong Huang, Zhan-zhan Xu, Gui-hong Yan

Seismic hazard maps based on the intensity measure I Np

  • Structural Engineering

Robespierre Chávez, Edén Bojórquez

Two statistical scrutinize of impact strength and strength reliability of steel Fibre-Reinforced Concrete

  • Structural Engineering

G. Murali, R. Gayathri, V. R. Ramkumar, K. Karthikeyan

Experimental study on the fatigue performance of roof and U-rib welds of orthotropic steel bridge decks

  • Structural Engineering

Zhongqiu Fu, Bohai Ji, Chengyi Zhang, Di Li

Integration of GIS, remote sensing and Multi-Criteria Evaluation tools in the search for healthy walking paths

  • Surveying and Geo-Spatial Information Engineering

Mohammad Taleai, Ali Sabzali Yameqani

An iterative optimization model for hazardous materials transport with demand changes

  • Transportation Engineering

Xianglong Sun, Shumin Feng, Zhenning Li

Short-term travel-time prediction on highway: A review on model-based approach

  • Transportation Engineering

Simon Oh, Young-Ji Byon, Kitae Jang, Hwasoo Yeo

Multilevel model for ramp crash frequency that reflects heterogeneity among ramp types

  • Transportation Engineering

Taehun Lee, Yoon-Young Choi, Seung-Young Kho, Dong-Kyu Kim

How does work activity affect quality of life?: A spatial analysis of trip chain behavior

  • Transportation Engineering

Woonho Park, Keechoo Choi, Chang-Hyeon Joh

Level of service for on-street parking

  • Transportation Engineering

Debasish Das, Mokaddes Ali Ahmed

Optimal reservoir rule curves under climatic and land use changes for Lampao Dam using Genetic Algorithm

  • Water Resources and Hydrologic Engineering

Haris Prasanchum, Anongrit Kangrang

Probabilistic assessment of meteorological drought over South Korea under RCP scenarios using a hidden Markov model

  • Water Resources and Hydrologic Engineering

Jisoo Yu, Yei Jun Park, Hyun-Han Kwon, Tae-Woong Kim