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Labor market freedom and geographic differentials in the percentage unemployment rate in the U.S.

Author: Richard J. Cebula

Published in: Journal of Economics and Finance | Issue 4/2019

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The present paper statistically examines whether it can be inferred that the greater the labor market freedom in an environment, the lower the unemployment rate in that environment, other things held the same. The hypothesis is predicated on the tenet that enhanced labor market freedom in a state leads to a more efficiently operating labor market and thereby diminishes the unemployment rate in the state. The empirical context is a panel dataset for all states in the U.S. The study period begins with the year 2008 and runs through the end of the year 2016. This nine-year time frame integrates the entirety of the Great Recession and more than 6 years thereafter. The study includes a number of control variables. The findings strongly support the hypothesis that the unemployment rate is a decreasing function of labor market freedom, whether expressed in the form of its three sub-indices or in the form of the arithmetic mean of those three sub-indices. Potential state-level public policy implications of the findings are also provided and discussed in this study.

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These tenets arguably are ultimately based on, i.e., traceable to, the classic work by Adam Smith (1776).
Interestingly, Section 14(b) of the Taft-Hartley Act does permit each state to enact “right-to-work” legislation which outlaws the “union shop.”
The latter is even true in the presence of widespread union corruption (Coombs and Cebula 2011).
The White (1980) correction is adopted in all of the estimates in this paper.
Indeed, it is not significant at even the 10% level since its Prob. value <0.1.
Interestingly, numerous other specifications lead to this same inference. These results are available upon e-mail request.
Wescher et al. (2019) caution that elevating the state minimum wage excessively could raise the opportunity cost of college enrollment and thereby induce a drop in that enrollment.
For example, Cebula (1989) found right-to-work laws to be associated with lower living costs.
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Labor market freedom and geographic differentials in the percentage unemployment rate in the U.S.
Richard J. Cebula
Publication date
Springer US
Published in
Journal of Economics and Finance / Issue 4/2019
Print ISSN: 1055-0925
Electronic ISSN: 1938-9744

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