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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

1. Law and Social Changes in a Pandemic: Results of Survey of COVID-19-Affected SMEs in Kobe, Japan

Author : Yuka Kaneko

Published in: Changing Law and Contractual Relations under COVID-19

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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This chapter investigates into the law and social changes in Japan under the impact of COVID-19, in a search for “justice” in the social allocation of the burden caused by the pandemic, with a particular focus on the contractual relations surrounding small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). A number of distortions are detected in the contractual relation resulted from regulatory intervention or trade customs which impede contract renegotiation which could otherwise be expected for mutual risk-sharing in the emergency. Another controversy is that the results of the failure of “small government” that delayed infection control have been transferred to the regional financial sector for SMEs, but the government is taking this as an opportunity for a financial sector restructuring.

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Law and Social Changes in a Pandemic: Results of Survey of COVID-19-Affected SMEs in Kobe, Japan
Yuka Kaneko
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore

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