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2020 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Leveraging Anomaly Detection for Proactive Application Monitoring

Author : Shyam Zacharia

Published in: Artificial Intelligence XXXVII

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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Anomaly detection is one of the popular research fields in Machine Learning. Also, this is one of the key techniques in system and application monitoring in Industry. Anomaly detection comprises of outlier detection and identifying novelty from the data - it is a process to understand the deviation of an observation from existing observations [12] and identifying the new observations. Carrying out anomaly detection in an enterprise application is a challenge as there are complex processes to gather and analyze functional and non-functional logs of unlabeled data. In this paper we are proposing an unsupervised learning process with log featurization incorporating time window to detect outliers and novel errors from enterprise application logs.

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Leveraging Anomaly Detection for Proactive Application Monitoring
Shyam Zacharia
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