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2022 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

10. Linking Climate Action and Sustainable Development Goals by Activating Co-Benefits

Authors : Sardar Masud Karim, Pradeep Ray

Published in: Technology Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development

Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore

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Climate change is posing as major challenge for sustainable development. Achieving sustainable development requires action across multiple dimensions beyond climate change mitigation goals. Recognising non-climate-related benefits of climate action and purposefully considering them in the policy process can address the two issues together and simultaneously deliver climate change mitigation and sustainable development goals. This article explores the possible linkages and synergies between climate action and SDGs and how best to establish those linkages in the policy process to attain synergies by activating co-benefits. Presenting the main findings of a broader study focusing on use of ‘co-benefits approach’ by local government in Australia in their efforts to link climate action with local development policy goals it suggests measures that could assist policymakers to purposefully consider, plan, generate and activate co-benefits to link climate action with local development goals. The article concludes by discussing policy implications of the findings, the transferability of the research to settings outside Australia and possible direction for future research.

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Linking Climate Action and Sustainable Development Goals by Activating Co-Benefits
Sardar Masud Karim
Pradeep Ray
Copyright Year
Springer Nature Singapore