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2024 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Listening Between the Bits: Privacy Leaks in Audio Fingerprints

Authors : Moritz Pfister, Robert Michael, Max Boll, Cosima Körfer, Konrad Rieck, Daniel Arp

Published in: Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Audio content recognition is an emerging technology that forms the basis for mobile services, such as automatic song recognition, second-screen synchronization, and broadcast monitoring. The technology utilizes audio fingerprints, short patterns that are extracted from audio recordings of a smartphone and enable the identification of specific content. These fingerprints are generally considered privacy-friendly, as they contain minimal information of the original signal. As a result, mobile applications have emerged in the past few years that silently monitor user habits by collecting such audio fingerprints in the background. In this paper, we systematically examine whether audio fingerprints leak sensitive information from the recording environment and potentially violate the privacy of smartphone users. To this end, we analyze three popular audio recognition solutions and develop attacks to infer sensitive information from their fingerprints. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to show that the identification of speakers and words in the fingerprints is possible. Based on our analysis, we conclude that current audio fingerprints do not sufficiently protect privacy and should be used with great caution.

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Listening Between the Bits: Privacy Leaks in Audio Fingerprints
Moritz Pfister
Robert Michael
Max Boll
Cosima Körfer
Konrad Rieck
Daniel Arp
Copyright Year

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