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2012 | Book

Litigation-PR: Alles was Recht ist

Zum systematischen Stand der strategischen Rechtskommunikation

Editors: Lars Rademacher, Alexander Schmitt-Geiger

Publisher: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften


About this book

Der vorliegende programmatische Sammelband fasst die aktuelle Diskussion um die Bedeutung und Funktion der strategischen Rechtskommunikation zusammen. Ausgehend vom amerikanischen Vorbild hat sich die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit in und um Gerichtsverfahren in Deutschland und Europa deutlich professionalisiert und ausgeweitet – auch auf Staatsanwaltschaften und Gerichte. Im vorliegenden Band kommen wichtige Vertreter der theoretischen Fundierung und Weiterentwicklung des Feldes ebenso zu Wort wie die führenden Stimmen der Praxis auf Seiten des Journalismus, der Staatsanwaltschaften bzw. Gerichte und der Beratung. Damit liefert das Buch die erste umfassende Darstellung des Status quo der Litigation-PR im deutschen Sprachraum. Englischsprachige Abstracts und ein Stichwortverzeichnis machen den Band auch als Nachschlagewerk nutzbar.

Mit Beiträgen von Alice Schwarzer, James Haggerty, Ines Heinrich, Mark Eisenegger, Hans Mathias Kepplinger, Volker Boehme-Neßler, Joachim Jahn, Brigitte Koppenhöfer, Ansgar Thiessen, Alexander Bräunig, Gerson Trüg, Marco Mansdörfer, Andreas Köhler, Nadine Remus, Dietrich Schulze van Loon, Tom Odebrecht, Martin Huff, Ulrike Penz, Hartwin Möhrle, Stephan Holzinger, Alexander Unverzagt, Claudia Gips, Peter Zolling, Anton Bühl, Patricia Langen und Per Christiansen.

Table of Contents


Litigation-PR in der Diskussion:Potenziale der strategischen Rechtskommunikation

Litigation-PR in der Diskussion:Potenziale der strategischen Rechtskommunikation
Kaum ein Fall der letzten Jahre hat auf so eindrucksvolle Weise die Macht der prozessbegleitenden oder prozessbezogenen Öffentlichkeitsarbeit vorgeführt wie das Berufungsverfahren im Fall der wegen Mordes verurteilten Amerikanerin Amanda Knox. Die damalige Studentin war in erster Instanz für schuldig befunden worden, gemeinsam mit Komplizen ihre Mitbewohnerin misshandelt und getötet zu haben. Mehr als vier Jahre saß Amanda Knox im Gefängnis, bis das Berufungsgericht die Strafe aufhob und der ersten Instanz schwere Fehler vorwarf. Den „Engel mit den Eisaugen“ hatten Boulevardmedien die Angeklagte während des Verfahrens getauft, mehr als 400 Reporter waren angereist, um der Verkündung des Berufungsurteils im Oktober 2011 in Perugia beizuwohnen. Aber die Amanda Knox, die da vor Gericht stand, hatte nichts mehr von dem eiskalten Engel, der 2009 vor Gericht verurteilt worden war. Die Frau, die hier auftrat, wirkte zurückhaltend und selbstsicher, äußerte sich verhalten und glaubwürdig. Einer der wichtigsten Gründe dafür war die Beauftragung der PR-Beratung Goggerty Marriot. Selbst die Staatsanwaltschaft traute der laut Medienberichten millionenschweren PR-Kampagne zu, das Meinungsbild gedreht zu haben. Kurz vor der Urteilsverkündung rügte der Staatsanwalt die Einbindung des PR-Beraters öffentlich. Die Agentur selbst benennt den Fall heute als einen von sechs „Showcases“ auf ihrer Homepage.
Lars Rademacher, Alexander Schmitt-Geiger


Litigation-PR: Kommunikationsmanagement zum Schutz der Reputation im Gerichtssaal der öffentlichen Meinung
This article presents essential knowledge on the first doctoral thesis on litigation-pr in Germany. The growing publicity of legal proceedings and the relevance of public relations in legal disputes is described by the structural conditions of a media society. On this basis a scientific communications foundation and systematization is developed. The article’s focus lies on the requirements concerning public relations in legal proceedings and the relation of Litigation-PR to Crisis-PR. Lastly litigation-pr is presented in the context of reputation and reputation management.
Ines Heinrich
The Origins and Current Status of Litigation-PR in the USA
James F. Haggerty
Deutschland und die USA:Ist US-amerikanische Litigation-PR auf Deutschland übertragbar?
Litigation PR takes place in the conflict areas between media and law. By comparing the "legal" and the media framework conditions in the U.S. and Germany, the question whether litigation PR practiced in the U.S. can be transferred to Germany can be clarified. The paper describes relevant features of U.S. law and the U.S. media, that are crucial for the development and the characteristics of litigation PR. These are class actions, punitive-damages, pre-trial discoveries and the jury system on the one hand and special interest channels and journalistic standards of the U.S. media on the other hand.
This analysis is contrasted with similar aspects of German law and German media – lay judges, accumulation of litigants and a competitive situation in German media. Finally, the article deals with the vast differences and answers the main question of transferability of U.S. themes to the German situation.
Alexander Schmitt-Geiger
Rechtsprechung im Gerichtshof der Öffentlichkeit? Rechtssoziologische Überlegungen zur Litigation-PR
We live in a media society. Media influences everything, even the law and the courts. Empirical studies show: Courts and judges are highly influenced by media coverage. In the US Litigation-PR is already a common tool for lawyers to exert public pressure on courts. Doing PR to influence judicial verdicts – what implications does this have for the justice and the law system?
Litigation-PR holds chances for the law, but also heavy risks. It challenges fundamental pillars of law: the presumption of innocence, the rationality of law and – last, not least – the idea of justice. Up until now, the way lawyers and judges communicate does not fit well in the modern media society. In a democratic society law depends heavily on acceptance by its citizens. And acceptance must be earned by communication. Litigation-PR could be a chance to modernize the necessary communication between law and people.
Volker Boehme-Neßler
Reden ist Silber, Schweigen auch:Eine grundlegende Gegenüberstellung öffentlicher Kommunikation von Public Relations und Legal Affairs
Public communication of organizations either means laying the cards on the table or keeping them close to the chest. While Public Relations professionals aim for openness when gaining public trust, legal professionals look for a coherent line of argumentation before going public at all. The point is: neither active publicity nor total reticence wins the game. In our article we give insights into the two distinct lines of argumentations and promote Litigation-PR as a common playing field for public communication.
Alexander Bräunig, Ansgar Thießen
Moral, Recht und Reputation
To be implicated in a court hearing generates maximum public interest and also maximises reputation risks. This paper looks at the specific logic of the reputation constitution that comes into effect in connection with a court hearing. It will be shown that the reputation dynamics in such situations are strongly characterised by the factors of ‘moralization’ and ‘intimization’. Court hearings are always concerned with particularly serious cases of moral misconduct and provide intimate insights into the backgrounds and mindsets of the accused. The paper discusses the consequences of this fact for the reputation management of the accused, and of the legal disputes between those concerned.
Mark Eisenegger

Spezifische undempirische Aspekte der Litigation-PR

Die Medien sollen es richten:Der rechtliche Rahmen für Litigation-PR
This article outlines the legal framework for Litigation-PR. The regulations for journalists for covering pending trials provide the horizon. Strategic PR-measures aiming to form opinions outside the trial, e.g. reputation management, self-marketing or justice communication, are widely accepted by the law. However, PR-measures designed to advantageously influence the judgment via the media may impair constitutional principles of fair trial. Media law as well as social norms may counter such an effect. In practice, substantial latitude remains.
Per Christiansen
Zur Öffentlichkeitsverantwortung der (Straf-) Gerichte und Staatsanwaltschaften in der Mediengesellschaft Mediengesellschaft
The article focuses on the specific public responsibility of courts and public prosecutors in today’s media society. Courts and public prosecutors are required to protect the general right of personal freedom of the people subjected to it and to play an active role in the public perception of the judicial process. The article describes what to do and which fundamental principles must be followed.
Gerson Trüg, Marco Mansdörfer
Justizberichterstattung als öffentliche Aufgabe
The German constitution grants participation as a basic democratic right. But the complexity of modern society makes it hard for citizens to select the relevant information to make an individual judgment. Journalism is supporting the process of public deliberation. But is this actually possible when it comes to courtroom journalism in Germany? The paper suggests a typology of courtroom journalism and discusses its status as a public institution between justice, the media and public relations. The author argues that due to its specific nature and due to the self-perception of journalists courtroom journalism is easy to influence.
Nadine Remus
Der Fall Kachelmann zwischen öffentlicher und veröffentlichter Meinung: In dubio contra reo?
The German meteorologist Jörg Kachelmann was taken into investigative custody on March 19th 2010 after being accused of rape. Due to Kachelmann’s high degree of popularity the case lacked objective reporting. In the course of the analysis of this case a model was developed that compared the four factors which coined the legal suit: media reporting, public relations of the public prosecutor’s department, pubic relations with regard to the image of Jörg Kachelmann and the public opinion.
As shown by the survey results, Kachelmann conveyed credibility and convinced the pubic of his innocence. Despite pre-conviction, the recipients in the Kachelmann-case built their own opinion.
Andreas Köhler, Patricia Langen
Litigation-PR in Verfassungsfragen: Die Verfassungsklage Verfassungsklage als oppositionelles PR-Instrument
So far, public relations in the triad of government, opposition and judiciary have not been element or focus of scientific research. This article analyses if complains of unconstitutionality are instruments of public relations and if this can be considered Litigation-PR. The analysis constitutes that complains of unconstitutionality generate confidence and sympathy. As shown by three case studies, essential attributes of Litigation-PR are complied by oppositional complaints of unconstitutionality. However an impact on the conviction of the Federal Constitutional Court in Germany is not aspired by opposing parties.
Andreas Köhler
Der indirekte Einfluss der Medien auf Richter und Staatsanwälte
Judges, state prosecutors and lawyers use media reports about their lawsuits very intensively and expose themselves to accordant influences. Most important sources are local papers at the seat of the court. Media reports about criminal proceedings with their attendance have a strong influence on themselves and especially on lay judges, the accused, victims, witnesses etc. This influence is reflected in the courtroom atmosphere and the degree of penalty. Prosecutors and lawyers should use this influence and practice an active information policy.
Hans Mathias Kepplinger
Die Bedeutung von Litigation-PR im deutschen Rechtssystem: Ergebnisse einer Befragung deutscher Gerichte, Anwälte und Staatsanwaltschaften
The article outlines how intensive the knowledge on Litigation-PR is in German legal authorities, which aims are followed with regards to reporting and which role publicity plays in the German legal authorities. Therefore courts, prosecutors and law offices were asked to participate in a survey.
The participants adjudge Litigation-PR a right to exist. Law firms in particular know the discipline and use it in practice. Courts and prosecutors are still scrupulous for ethical reasons.
Lars Rademacher, Anton Bühl

Herausforderungen der Praxis

Litigation-PR als Provokation
Litigation-PR has always existed – just the term is new. Subliminally, Litigation-PR providers work with methods of extortion. Fortunately, the influence on justice is overestimated – even by the president of Federal Court of Justice in Germany. However it is not absolutely inefficient. The media report unilaterally and exaggerate. Some editorial departments have a minor expert knowledge on law and are under a strong (internal and external) competition pressure. A consultant could increase the pile of shards.
Joachim Jahn
Wie kommunikationsfähig müssen Justizbehörden sein? Anforderungen an Fähigkeiten, Fertigkeiten und Ausbildung
Only recently judicial authorities are beginning to recognize the importance of communication with media and the public is necessary to fulfill their role in society. At the same time however the case-law of the Federal Constitutional Court advises to inform on court decisions. The article outlines the prerequisites for good public relations and shows the requirements of today’s media spokesman.
Martin W. Huff
Was darf Justiz? Was macht die Justiz? Welchen Einfluss haben die Medien? Ein Bericht aus der Praxis
Although cooperation is necessary, the relationship between media and judicial authorities finds itself in a field of conflict. It is not an easy task for media and judicial authorities to create an appropriate balance. Judicial authorities should make their voice heard and need to be understood. Democracy needs an accepted, efficient and a comprehensible judicial system as much as it needs an independent press. But this only works when finding the true middle ground between proximity and distance.
Brigitte Koppenhöfer
Staatsanwaltschaften in der Zwickmühle: Zwischen Informationsarbeit und Vorverurteilung
Public prosecutors find themselves confronted with the challenge of finding the balance between providing information for media and respecting the suspect’s presumption of innocence. There are however opposing interests in ongoing investigations. On the one hand, there is an obligation on giving information based on state’s press law. On the other hand the personal rights of the people involved are to be respected. The article explains the prerequisites for publications by public prosecutors, in which investigation stages information could be provided and argues why principles for reporting also apply to public prosecutors.
Martin W. Huff
Kommunikations- und Rechtsberatung: Kooperation zwischen Agenturen und Kanzleien als richtungweisendes Modell
A change of structure in corporate communications causes a consistent development of new fields of competence. In Germany, Litigation-PR is an upcoming area of expertise. Caused by the advancement to an accepted and comparable communications discipline the demand on efficient, feasible and economical attractive company forms for a strategic communications consulting on litigation rises. The authors present the cooperation between communications consulting and law firms as a budding answer on the change of structure.
Dietrich Schulze van Loon, Tom Odebrecht, Ulrike Penz
Litigation-PR in der Krisenkommunikation: Beratungsstrategie aus der kommunikativen und juristischen Doppelperspektive
A communicative management of crisis-laden public occurrences is mostly influenced by legal content. Because of this, Litigation-PR starts the moment crisis management begins. Exemplary cases show, how important it is in acute crisis, that jurists, crisis managers and decision makers are cooperating well and professionally. This lays the foundations to perspective views, assessments and a concerted strategic approach to tackle the situation – from a legal and a communicative point of view.
Hartwin Möhrle
Felder und Strukturen der Kommunikationsberatung Kommunikationsberatung in juristischen Auseinandersetzungen
Litigation public relations has turned from a trendy topic into a serious discipline in the legal community, playing a rapidly increasing role on the criminal law side in white-collar proceedings, also due to a greater than ever doubtful handling of media issues by some prosecutors, while continuing to have a harder stand on the capital crime side, likely for practical and also ethical reasons. A much broader range of application can be found on the civil side, either as strategic advice to top executives being in a dispute with their (former) employer, or in B2B disputes, with IP battles and private follow-on lawsuits against cartel members complementing classic areas of Litigation-PR consulting in competition law, securities law, and product liability law, e.g. visual legal communications and public affairs also gain in importance especially in mega-cases which are highly complex and by definition often also political.
Stephan Holzinger


Rechtsfindung und Rufwahrung: Zur Zukunft der Litigation-PR in der juristischen Praxis
This article attends to prognoses and perspectives of Litigation-PR, which is prepared in a reserved manner in scientific studies and research in Germany. Possible challenges for judiciary are described and several expansions of the Litigation-PR-sector from criminal law to other areas of law are demonstrated. The article also discusses the topics “extension of advocacy working areas” and “legal education”. Answers to questions concerning the direct need to legislative adjustments and the delineation of a possible danger of a two-tier-legislative-system conclude the text.
Alexander Unverzagt, Claudia Gips, Peter Zolling
Rechtskommunikation in der (europäischen) Öffentlichkeit: Aspekte des künftigen Einsatzes von Litigation-PR
The comparison between court trials and a theatre play is an old one – and in fact a lot more than a mere comparison. Carrying out a trial is in itself a performance as well as a battle. Drawing insights from the work of German scholar Cornelia Vismann the paper deals with the effects that arise from this double nature of play and battle. A court trial does not reconstruct the actual delict as much as it renarrates it, thereby creating an own reality. It is a widespread misunderstanding that a trial focuses a sentence: the main issue is the trial as play, there are but a few situations where the battle disposition rules and dominates the perception. This has significant consequences for the intended influence that the use of Litigation-PR tries to evoke.
Lars Rademacher
Litigation-PR: Alles was Recht ist
Lars Rademacher
Alexander Schmitt-Geiger
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