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Long-Lasting Fieldwork, Ethnographic Restitution and ‘Engaged Anthropology’ in Romani Studies

Author: Federica Setti

Published in: The Urban Review | Issue 3/2017

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The history of relationships between Roma/Sinti and non-Roma/non-Sinti is marked and crossed by negative features and trails: anti-ziganismus, asymmetric power relationships within institutions and the absence of social justice in the school toward Romani minorities. This article—starting from the negative aspects of the inter-ethnic relations between Roma and majority societies—on the contrary explores the positive features of these relationships, through a long-lasting ethnographic research and through the intimacy and friendship of the author with the research’ subjects. Without the deep connection and friendship established through the ethnographic relationship, these “positive” outcome would have remained eluded. The article will highlight how long-lasting ethnographic research is essential for the research’ outcomes, but also for the improvement of social justice within institutions, impairing the asymmetric power relationships between non-Roma majority and Roma/Sinti minorities. Indeed, long-lasting ethnographic research, ethnographic restitution and an “engaged anthropology” approach are central issues for intercultural education both within institutions, such as school, and in less formal contexts, as urban quarters, low-income flats and extra-school contexts of multicultural societies.

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This term was coined by Goodenough from Latin, according to the etymology of “proprio” which means “related specifically to the self” and “spectus” which means “view, perspective” (Goodenough 1981: 98). The author highlights how the equivalent term in Greek would have been “idiorama”, but he preferred to avoid this terminological alternative, because in English the suffix “-orama” was already widely used for other neologisms.
The concepts of “emic” and “etic” were coined in 1954 by the linguist Kenneth Pike and then used by anthropologists. “Emic” refers to the “insiders” points of view on their cultures, and “etic” refers to the “outsiders” accounts on cultures that are not their own.
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Long-Lasting Fieldwork, Ethnographic Restitution and ‘Engaged Anthropology’ in Romani Studies
Federica Setti
Publication date
Springer Netherlands
Published in
The Urban Review / Issue 3/2017
Print ISSN: 0042-0972
Electronic ISSN: 1573-1960

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