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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Machine Learning, ESG Indicators, and Sustainable Investment

Authors : Ariel A. G. Lanza, Enrico Bernardini, Ivan Faiella

Published in: Financial Risk Management and Climate Change Risk

Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This study proposes a novel approach to partially overcome the current inconsistencies in the ESG scores by using Machine Learning (ML) techniques to identify the most material E, S, or G indicators that better contribute to the construction of efficient portfolios. The novelty of the chapter is threefold: (a) the large array of ESG indicators (more than 220) analyzed for a long-time span (from 2007 to 2019), (b) the ML model-free methodology, and (c) the disentangle of the contribution of ESG specific indicators to the portfolio performance from the traditional style and macroeconomic factors. According to our results, more information content may be extracted from the available raw ESG data for portfolio construction. Half of the ESG indicators identified with our approach are environmental. Among environmental indicators, some refer to companies’ exposure and ability to manage climate change risk, namely, the transition risk. This chapter shows that a European equity market investor who had applied our technique would have achieved a substantial extra annualized return.

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Unfortunately applying those results to our work is not straightforward for two reasons, the first is that this study was conducted on data from Sustainalytics, but its reporting methodology changed recently, hence we have a limited time series to use with the new methodology and the coverage for European equities is rather limited. The second reason is that materiality was assessed through SASB tables, which have been originally designed for the US firms and it might be arguable to squarely apply them to European firms.
This is a problem in graph theory that consists in finding the clique with the maximum number of edges in a bipartite graph. Rewriting the problem in terms of adjacency matrix (or, more properly, biadjacency matrix) we obtain the reductions needed to show the equivalence with our problem.
Henriksson et al. (2019) carry out an interesting analysis aimed at finding the ESG exposure for a company that does not report ESG information; however, the results could hardly apply at granular level.
Early work on the use of decision trees for corporate governance factor selection can be found in Misangyi and Acharya (2014).
The F–F five factors for the regressions of our portfolios are taken from the Kenneth French data library for Europe available on his website and converted in EUR terms with the correspondent USD/EUR rates (https://​mba.​tuck.​dartmouth.​edu/​pages/​faculty/​ken.​french/​ data_​library.​html).
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Machine Learning, ESG Indicators, and Sustainable Investment
Ariel A. G. Lanza
Enrico Bernardini
Ivan Faiella
Copyright Year

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