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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

16. Machine Learning in Online Advertising Research: A Systematic Mapping Study

Authors : María Cueto González, José Parreño Fernández, David de la Fuente García, Alberto Gómez Gómez

Published in: Industry 4.0: The Power of Data

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

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In order to consolidate a study framework on the academic production about digital marketing and artificial intelligence, this paper aims to provide an overview of the state of research on this a specific topic and to decide on the axes where to dig by using a systematic mapping study (SMS) methodology. As extended scope research areas both fields require to become less general to face a systematic literature review. For this reason, this study introduces a previous phase in which an initial systematic mapping study is performed combined with a subsequent text analysis to obtain the most frequent bigrams in the literature and to narrow down more specific and interconnected study areas. As a result, online advertising and machine learning were identified as parameters to perform a final complete systematic mapping study. The results of this paper allow a framework for all academic production about online advertising and machine learning studied together, by providing a review of this corpus, analyzing annual production rate, sources and cites received.

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Machine Learning in Online Advertising Research: A Systematic Mapping Study
María Cueto González
José Parreño Fernández
David de la Fuente García
Alberto Gómez Gómez
Copyright Year

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