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Magneto-Optical Ellipsometry of Thin Films with Optical Uniaxial Anisotropy

Authors: O. A. Maximova, S. A. Lyaschenko, S. N. Varnakov, S. G. Ovchinnikov, I. A. Yakovlev, D. V. Shevtsov, T. A. Andryushchenko

Published in: Physics of Metals and Metallography | Issue 14/2023

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In this paper, we solve the inverse problem of magneto-optical ellipsometry for thin ferromagnetic films with optical uniaxial anisotropy. We work within the framework of the approach we developed earlier analyzing magnetoellipsometric data without using fourth-order M-matrices. We work with ellipsometric relations, in which we take into account the magneto-optical contribution as perturbations, and ellipsometric measurements are carried out on a setup with a simple dipole scheme based on the transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect. We add the magneto-optical response to the expressions known in the literature for the reflection coefficients of anisotropic thin films, which are related to the parameters measured by magneto-optical ellipsometry. As a result, by analyzing the obtained expressions for the reflection coefficients, we obtain information on the total permittivity tensor of a thin film.

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Magneto-Optical Ellipsometry of Thin Films with Optical Uniaxial Anisotropy
O. A. Maximova
S. A. Lyaschenko
S. N. Varnakov
S. G. Ovchinnikov
I. A. Yakovlev
D. V. Shevtsov
T. A. Andryushchenko
Publication date
Pleiades Publishing
Published in
Physics of Metals and Metallography / Issue 14/2023
Print ISSN: 0031-918X
Electronic ISSN: 1555-6190

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