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Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation in the Progress of Electromagnetic Stirrers Designing. Part 2. Simulation of Magnetohydrodynamic Processes

Published in: Metallurgist | Issue 5-6/2022

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In order to prevent the formation or suppress the development of defects in strand-cast steel, such as center porosity, pipe segregation, and the developed dendritic structure of an ingot, and to obtain blanks and rolled metal having high-quality macrostructure, it is necessary to control the crystallization process of the continuously cast ingot. For this purpose, various external physical actions are used in the section of billet crystallization [2]. Among the most efficient and technological methods is the forced, controlled motion of a liquid phase in the crystallizing ingot, in particular, by means of electromagnetic stirring. In the article, the magnetohydrodynamic processes occurring during electromagnetic stirring of steel melt were investigated using mathematical modeling and experimental methods at laboratory installations and industrial facilities. On the basis of the research results, a comprehensive method for the design and testing of electromagnetic stirring systems for billet and bloom casters was developed.

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Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation in the Progress of Electromagnetic Stirrers Designing. Part 2. Simulation of Magnetohydrodynamic Processes
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Published in
Metallurgist / Issue 5-6/2022
Print ISSN: 0026-0894
Electronic ISSN: 1573-8892

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