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2023 | OriginalPaper | Chapter

Make-or-Buy Strategies of Established Car Manufacturers to Counter the Technological Transformation towards Self-Driving Cars

Authors : Laura Bischoff, Michael Stephan

Published in: Towards the New Normal in Mobility

Publisher: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

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Accompanied with the emergence of new technologies in the field of autonomous driving (AD), the automotive industry is facing a significant transformation. Alongside the changes in hardware, which are characterized in particular by an increase in electronics, software is assuming ever greater importance as value-adding feature in vehicles and poses new challenges for the research and development (R&D) of automotive firms. Especially car manufacturers have to decide on strategies to develop required competencies and resources or to cooperate with other firms in order to gain access to relevant technologies in this new field. Within this paper we analyze such strategic make-or-buy decisions of established car manufacturers active on the European market to access core AD technologies.

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Make-or-Buy Strategies of Established Car Manufacturers to Counter the Technological Transformation towards Self-Driving Cars
Laura Bischoff
Michael Stephan
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