Issue 2/2024
Content (12 Articles)
- Open Access
Remembering less, or needing less? Age-related differences in the purchase funnel
Philip Mecredy, Malcolm Wright, Pamela Feetham, Philip Stern
- Open Access
The differential impact of uncertainty on the evaluation of material and experiential purchases
Iñigo Gallo, Chadwick J Miller, Nasir Haghighi, Thomas D. Gilovich
Sexually explicit advertisements boost consumer recycling due to moral cleansing goal activation
Matthew D. Meng, Jessica Gamlin
The trivial-task motivation effect: highlighting completion of an initial trivial task increases motivation for the main task
Yangjie Gu, Elaine Chan, Aradhna Krishna
- Open Access
From physical space to mental space: feelings of being physically constrained increase consumer preference for mind-expanding products
Sumitra Auschaitrakul, Dan King, Yanfen You
- Open Access
- Correction
Correction to: From physical space to mental space: feelings of being physically constrained increase consumer preference for mind-expanding products
Sumitra Auschaitrakul, Dan King, Yanfen You
Measuring latent individual difference variables with a conjoint design and structural equation modeling
Bert Weijters, Berre Deltomme, Karen Gorissen, Hans Baumgartner
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet? The impact of hierarchical labeling on consumers’ choices in tiered pricing plans
Liangyan Wang, Xun Deng, Haipeng (Allan) Chen
How is retargeting related to purchase incidence, channel choice, and purchase quantity?
Tanya Mark, Tirtha Dhar, Peter C. Verhoef, Katherine N. Lemon
Take me back to the past: the impact of social identity conflict on nostalgic consumption
Menglin Li, Sining Kou, Jun Pang, Wangshuai Wang
The effect of firm size on perceived product healthiness
Beatriz L. Bonetti, Shreyans Goenka, Frank May
What does sustainability mean in the minds of consumers? A multi-country panel study
Frank Goedertier, Bert Weijters, Joeri Van den Bergh, Ole Schacht