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Marketing Letters

Issue 3/2022

Content (12 Articles)

Introducing Marketing Letters’ data policy

Aparna A. Labroo, Natalie Mizik, Russell Winer

Marketing insights from text analysis

Jonah Berger, Grant Packard, Reihane Boghrati, Ming Hsu, Ashlee Humphreys, Andrea Luangrath, Sarah Moore, Gideon Nave, Christopher Olivola, Matthew Rocklage

  • Correction

Correction to: Marketing insights from text analysis

Jonah Berger, Grant Packard, Reihane Boghrati, Ming Hsu, Ashlee Humphreys, Andrea Luangrath, Sarah Moore, Gideon Nave, Christopher Olivola, Matthew Rocklage

The effect of trust in management on salespeople’s selling orientation

Peter Dickson, Erick M. Mas, Michelle Van Solt, Tessa Garcia-Collart, Jaclyn L. Tanenbaum

Prepayment and future cross-buying: an exploratory analysis

Shinhye Kim, Alberto Sa Vinhas, U.N. Umesh

  • Correction

Correction to: Prepayment and future cross-buying: an exploratory analysis

Shinhye Kim, Alberto Sa Vinhas, U. N. Umesh

Coordinating supply-related scarcity appeals with online reviews

Elika Kordrostami, Yuping Liu-Thompkins, Vahid Rahmani

Perceiving Control over the Exchange on Peer-to-Peer Platforms: Measurement and Effects in the Second-Hand Market

Rémi Mencarelli, Renaud Lunardo, Cindy Lombart, Markus Blut, Ericka Henon