Issue 3/2023
Content (12 Articles)
Tighter nets for smaller fishes? Mapping the development of statistical practices in consumer research between 2008 and 2020
Antonia Krefeld-Schwalb, Benjamin Scheibehenne
Understanding effect sizes in consumer psychology
Rodrigo S. Dias, Stephen A. Spiller, Gavan J. Fitzsimons
Great expectations: argument order expectations shape the efficacy of order effects in one-sided advertisements
Joshua J. Clarkson, Alan D. J. Cooke, Nathanael S. Martin
Expectation-based consumer purchase decisions: behavioral modeling and observations
Justin Jia, Jia Li, Weixin Liu
How uncertainty affects information search among consumers: a curvilinear perspective
Sharlene He, Derek D. Rucker
Movie fit uncertainty and interplay between traditional advertising and social media marketing
Yinan Yu, Liangfei Qiu, Hailiang Chen , Benjamin Yen
Meaningless procedures can be meaningful for information security: consumer use of single and multiple cues in information security inferences
Yong-Wan Park, Paul M. Herr, Byung Cho Kim
Sentiment deviations in responses to movie trailers across social media platforms
Ye Hu, Ming Chen, Sam Hui
Social media sentiment polarization and its impact on product adoption
Ping Zhao, Zhenfeng Ma, Tripat Gill, Chatura Ranaweera
- Open Access
What reviews foretell about opening weekend box office revenue: the harbinger of failure effect in the movie industry
Pantelis Loupos, Yvette Peng, Sute Li, Hao Hao