Issue 4/2022
Content (12 Articles)
Predicting Firm Market Performance Using the Social Media Promoter Score
Sunghun Chung, Donghyuk Shin, Jooyoung Park
How internal reference prices determine when a price’s location will influence consumer judgments
Katina Kulow, Keith S. Coulter, Michael J. Barone, Xingbo (Bo) Li
Effects of linguistic style on persuasiveness of word-of-mouth messages with anonymous vs. identifiable sources
Jie Chen, Wenjian Fan, Junlong Wei, Zunli Liu
Language matters: humanizing service robots through the use of language during the COVID-19 pandemic
Smriti Kumar, Elizabeth G. Miller, Martin Mende, Maura L. Scott
- Open Access
Narrative information on secondhand products in e-commerce
Jian Xu, Zhe Li, Xuequn Wang, Chunyu Xia
- Open Access
Counterfeit patronage: human values, counterfeit experience and construal level
Xuemei Bian, Yanisa Tantiprapart, George Chryssochoidis, Kai-Yu Wang
Chooser or suitor? The effects of mating cues on men’s versus women’s reactions to commercial rejection
Rui Chen, Hao Shen, Chun-Ming Yang
- Open Access
- Replication Corner
The power of nostalgia: Age and preference for popular music
Callum Davies, Bill Page, Carl Driesener, Zac Anesbury, Song Yang, Johan Bruwer
- Idea Corner
DPS 2.0: on the road to a cashless society
Nwamaka A. Anaza, Delancy H. S. Bennett, Yana Andonova, Emeka Anaza
- Open Access
- Idea Corner
Crypto-marketing: how non-fungible tokens (NFTs) challenge traditional marketing
Reto Hofstetter, Emanuel de Bellis, Leif Brandes, Melanie Clegg, Cait Lamberton, David Reibstein, Felicia Rohlfsen, Bernd Schmitt, John Z. Zhang