Issue 4/2024
Content (10 Articles)
Don't get embarrassed, get creative! How creative thinking helps mitigate consumer embarrassment
Kristen A. Ferguson, Kelly B. Herd
More of the same: Painful payment methods decrease variety seeking
Liang Huang, Rafay A. Siddiqui, Anastasiya Pocheptsova Ghosh
Consumers’ minimum time investments in meaningful consumption
Erin Percival Carter, Lawrence E. Williams, Nicholas Light
Life insurance, loss aversion, and temporal orientation: a field experiment and replication with young adults
Simon J. Blanchard, Remi Trudel
- Open Access
Does the presentation of true costs at the point of purchase nudge consumers toward sustainable product options?
Robert Wilken, Julien Schmitt, Florian Dost, David Bürgin
- Open Access
Breaking the news: how does CEO media coverage influence consumer and investor evaluations?
Samuel Stäbler, Prachi Gala
Modeling misinformation spread for policy evaluation: a parsimonious framework
Yiting Deng, Richard Staelin